§ Nice Art: Jim Lee drew a porg. Many people will draw progs before this is all over.
§ There are still a few tickets left from this weekend’s open registration for San Diego Comic-Con and …
The Unofficial SDCC Blog has the gory details as usual. Tickets sold out in 64 minutes. I was out and about so unable to monitor the triumph and tragedy, but there was a lot more of the latter:
As we’ve been saying for years, it really is just that hard to get a badge in Open Registration, because there’s so many more people trying to get a badge than there are badges available. And the convention center isn’t the real issue — we estimate that only 6.11% of all attendees who tried today got a badge, which means you’d need to find space for another 93.89% people. You would basically need an entire city to fit everyone who wants to go.
No word on Hotel Hell, although exhibitor hotel reg has already taken place. The whole schedule is earlier than usual this year, so be ready!
§ A blogger name of Karl Stern made a list of The 100 Greatest Comics of All Time by referencing other lists. #1 is The Dark Knight Returns, #100 is Supreme – Story of the Year – written by Alan Moore. In between is seems to be mostly superhero comics, so…your mileage may vary an awful lot. Krazy Kat is not mentioned on the list, for instance. A more accurate name fo the list might be “100 Superhero comics that many people admire.” At the end is a list of the lists he accessed, and a fun afternoon might be spent poking around on them.
§ This is so sad. Toronto comics historian Rachel Richey’s sister was tragically murdered on November 25th and the man last seen with her is being sought by police. The photos are in the link.
§ A cute comic about family music taste by Bianca Xunise.
§ Reactions to The Last Jedi are emerging and I want no spoilers so lalalalalaa. I’ll let this Rod Liefeld tweet stand.
Spoilsports can go here.
§ And it looks like Comic Arts La was a success!
§ A sweet story about celebrities rallying around a bullying victim. Chris Evans invited him and his mother to the Avengers Infinity War premiere.
§ This, on the other hand, is weird.
McGloin runs that rather bizarre site Cosmic Book News, and I suspect Guardians would exist even with out it. My opinion.