DC Comics Rebirth has renewed fans love affair with their stable of characters by bringing back much of what we missed about super hero comics. It’s also brought another group of fans out in full force; followers of the late Michael Turner, who passed away in 2008 after a long struggle with bone cancer. The artist best known for creating Fathom, bringing back Supergirl, and drawing strong female characters (before the phrase became buzz words in the industry) had a small portfolio of art predominantly seen in sketchbooks featuring several DC and Marvel characters. This little seen body of work has led to Aspen Comics publishing variants of new key issues from Marvel and DC. With the high demand for the Aspen Comics Batman #1 variant, the partnership will see a printing of another Michael Turner variant for Justice League #1, available online in the Aspen Store this Sunday.


Following the immediate sold out release of their DC Comics Rebirth: Batman #1 AspenStore.com variant cover, Aspen Comics is pleased to announce the second exclusive cover, DC’s Rebirth: Justice League #1, debuting for pre-order as a color variant and set (with B&W Artist Edition included) on www.AspenStore.com June 26th, 2016. This second collaboration between Aspen Comics and DC Comics will feature a never-before-seen cover by Aspen founder Michael Turner with colors by Peter Steigerwald (Dark Knight: The Last Crusade).
Aspen’s Batman #1 exclusive cover, released previously in early June, sold out in less than 24 hours, and the publisher strongly encourages customers to pre-order their copy of Justice League #1, featuring the iconic Trinity of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, as early as possible.

Aspen will also be allocating limited daily quantities of Batman #1 and Justice League #1 at Comic Con: International 2016 exclusively at the Aspen Comics Booth #2321. 


The cover for this Justice League #1 variant was last seen in a 2011 sketchbook celebrating Michael Turner’s art. In the sketchbook the image was printed as a small piece (Note: original was only Batman/Superman, the Wonder Woman came from a different drawing by Turner) so it’s good to see it get the full cover treatment here utilizing scanned originals with the added background design and color work by his longtime friend and creative partner Peter Steigerwald. While we aren’t lucky enough to have a Prince sized vault of left over work by the Aspen Comics founder, there are still a couple of remaining pieces seen only in a few sketchbooks or ashcans originally available in very limited run. Considering the amount of Supergirl work Turner did from comics to toy/statue design it wouldn’t be hard to imagine there’s a gorgeous image perfect for a variant on Steve Orlando’s upcoming Rebirth branded run. Personally, I’m thrilled to see these covers sell out every time. It shows that while his tenure on projects for the big two was cut far too short; Michael Turner’s brilliant work and influence will stand the test of time.

As with the Batman variant, both a full color version (featuring colors by Steigerwald) and sketch version of the cover will be available. Like previous variants, the sketch cover can only be purchased in the set of both color and sketch. The company also had a recent crash, from unprecedented traffic, at their online store when Aspen sold a special Michael Turner variant for Amazing Spider-Man #15. Expect another online sell out for this new Justice League variant when it goes on sale June 26th; and if you plan on picking up any of the books during SDCC get there early since you’ll probably have to race me there for one.


  1. Brilliant idea; and are we assured that the royalty payment for the late Michael Turner’s published art will go to his estate? Just say it.

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