“Tick. Tock.” For the second time in 12 days, Punisher star Jon Bernthal has shared the same message on social media — this time, taking to Instagram rather than Twitter. Unlike his tweet from Nov. 14, which was prompted by a post from the Netflix series Twitter, this Instagram post seemingly has no inspiration… other than a clock ticking.
Are we getting a season two trailer, or perhaps a release date? If the clock is ticking, when is the alarm going off?
To add more fuel to the fire, one of Bernthal’s Walking Dead compatriots, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, commented on the post, writing, “Brother… ready here.”
Meanwhile, Jason R. Moore, who will reprise his role as Curtis Hoyle in The Punisher season two, shared a photo of himself wearing a Punisher logo shirt on Monday. Is the whole cast gearing up for the big announcement, or is he just repping his show?
We think it’s safe to assume that we’ll be getting a big Punisher announcement soon, even if Bernthal (or Moore) won’t provide any deeper clues as to when that’s going to happen. As we rapidly approach the end of 2018, it seems hard to believe that Netflix will drop the second season before the new year, but anything is possible.
The Punisher season two wrapped filming in August, per ScreenRant.
Bernthal is the most ridiculously overrated Punisher EVER. Seriously, wasn’t Lundgren available?
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