Southern Bastards #1 actual.jpg

By Chris Rice

[Editors note: the graphic accompanying this is now the highest ranking NEW title on the list, to avoid endless WLAking Dead covers.]

Overall another quiet month, although excellent debuts from Jason Aaron’s Southern Bastards and Valiant’s Rai splash amongst the regular chart-toppers, and a few healthy new entries make their marks selling around the 10-15,000 copy mark .

151 indie titles charted in the top 300, slightly up on last month’s 150. Overall sales were up at 1,688,787, compared to last month’s 1,655,816 and the average sales this month are 11,184, up on last month’s 11,038. 19 titles went up in sales and 108 went down, with the rest made up of new entries and specials.

Image have another great month with a 9.34% dollar share and an 10.31% market share, while Dark Horse in second place have a 5.54% dollar share and 5.18% market share. IDW have a 5.10% dollar share and a 4.24% market share, Dynamite have a 2.49% dollar share and 2.47% market share and Boom! have a 2.07 % dollar share and 1.97% market share. Eaglemoss actually beat Dynamite on dollar sales at 2.14, but that equated to less than 0 .73% market share and were lumped in with the miscellaneous small publishers.

UK and European sales from Diamond UK are not reported in this chart.

Thanks to and Milton Griepp for permission to use these numbers, which are estimates, and can be found here.

12, 13. The Walking Dead (Image)

04/2009: The Walking Dead #60 - 23,585
04/2010: The Walking Dead #71 - 24,567 
04/2011: The Walking Dead #84 - 31,930
04/2012: The Walking Dead #96 - 36,931
04/2013: The Walking Dead #109 - 90,362


05/2013: The Walking Dead #110 - 76,455 (-15.4%)
06/2013: The Walking Dead #111 - 74,857 (-2.1%)
07/2013: The Walking Dead #112 - 72,975 (-2.5%)
08/2013: The Walking Dead #113 - 70,273 (-3.7%)
09/2013: The Walking Dead #114 - 70,440 (+0.2%)
10/2013: The Walking Dead #115 - 310,584 (329,127)(+340.9%)
10/2013: The Walking Dead Tyreese Special - 40,572
10/2013: The Walking Dead #1 10th Anniversary Ed - 39,780
11/2013: The Walking Dead #116 - 69,913 (-77.5%)
11/2013: The Walking Dead #117 - 68,818 (-1.6%)
12/2013: The Walking Dead #118 - 68,020 (-1.2%)
01/2014: The Walking Dead #119 - 65,151 (-4.2%)
01/2014: The Walking Dead #120 - 65,286 (+0.2%)
02/2014: The Walking Dead #121 - 65,244 (-0.1%)
02/2014: The Walking Dead #122 - 64,810 (-0.6%)
03/2014: The Walking Dead #123 - 64,460 (-0.5%)
03/2014: The Walking Dead #124 - 64,659 (+0.3%)
04/2014: The Walking Dead #125 - 66,761 (+3.3%)
04/2014: The Walking Dead #126 - 67,853 (+1.6%)

A small upswing as All-Out War draws to a close.

41. Serenity (Dark Horse)

01/2014: Leaves on the Wind #1 - 47,285 (54,392)
02/2014: Leaves on the Wind #2 - 38,630 (-18.3%)
03/2014: Leaves on the Wind #3 - 37,516 (-2.9%)
04/2014: Leaves on the Wind #4 - 42,269 (+12.7%)

A very healthy boost for Serenity this month. No chance of an ongoing though, the Whedon team don’t want to overdo it apparently.

46. The Star Wars (Dark Horse)

09/2013: The Star Wars #1 - 78,467
10/2013: The Star Wars #2 - 56,165 (-28.4%)
11/2013: The Star Wars #3 - 50,346 (-10.4%)
12/2013: The Star Wars #4 - 47,292 (-6.1%)
12/2013: The Star Wars #0 - 40,531
01/2014: The Star Wars #5 - 42,686 (-9.7%)
02/2014: -
03/2014: The Star Wars #6 - 41,237 (-3.4%)
04/2014: The Star Wars #7 - 40,012 (-3.0%)

The penultimate issue, and still doing very well.

50. Southern Bastards (Image) 

04/2014: Southern Bastards #1 - 38,029

Jason Aaron’s new creator-owned book debuts very strongly, well above any of his Vertigo work.

73. Rai (Valiant)

04/2014: Rai #1 - 29,137

The latest relaunch of one of the nineties’ Valiant books, and the strongest one in ages.

74. Star Wars (Dark Horse)

04/2013: Star Wars #4 - 45,019


05/2013: Star Wars #5 - 44,310 (-1.6%)
06/2013: Star Wars #6 - 42,806 (-3.4%)
07/2013: Star Wars #7 - 41,611 (-2.8%)
08/2013: Star Wars #8 - 38,792 (-6.8%)
09/2013: Star Wars #9 - 37,502 (-3.3%)
10/2013: Star Wars #10 - 36,019 (-3.9%)
10/2013: 1-for-1 Star Wars #1 - 16,690 (-3.9%)
11/2013: Star Wars #11 - 34,227 (-5.0%)
12/2013: Star Wars #12 - 33,093 (-3.3%)
01/2014: Star Wars #13 - 31,543 (-4.7%)
02/2014: Star Wars #14 - 30,828 (-2.3%)
03/2014: Star Wars #15 - 29,967 (-2.8%)
04/2014: Star Wars #16 - 29,087 (-2.9%)

Slowly slipping, but it should stay well above the 25,000 mark for the remainder of the run.

77. East of West (Image)

04/2013: East of West #2 - 41,838 (-15.5%)
05/2013: -
06/2013: East of West #3 - 39,441 (-5.7%)
07/2013: East of West #4 - 43,228 (+9.6%)
08/2013: East of West #5 - 36,345 (-15.9%)
09/2013: East of West #6 - 33,381 (-8.2%)
10/2013: -
11/2013: East of West #7 - 32,889 (-1.4%)
12/2013: East of West #8 - 31,059 (-5.6%)
01/2014: East of West #9 - 29,885 (-3.8%)
02/2014: -
03/2014: East of West #10 - 28,853 (-3.4%)
04/2014: East of West #11 - 28,090 (-2.6%)

Slowly drifting downwards, but overall it’s been relatively strong over the last 6 months.

86. My Little Pony (IDW)

04/2013: My Little Pony #6 - 33,903


05/2013: My Little Pony #7 - 32,188 (-5.1%)
06/2013: My Little Pony #8 - 33,114 (+2.9%)
06/2013: My Little Pony Color Me Treasury Ed - 4,810
07/2013: My Little Pony #9 - 35,153 (41,444) (+6.2%)
08/2013: My Little Pony #10 - 24,475 (31,860) (-30.4%)
08/2013: My Little Pony Cover Gallery #1 - 6,859
09/2013: My Little Pony #11 - 32,784 (+33.9%)
10/2013: My Little Pony #12 - 23,686 (31,365) (-27.7%)
10/2013: My Little Pony 2013 Annual - 18,614
11/2013: My Little Pony #13 - 35,653 (+50.5%)
11/2013: My Little Pony Art Gallery - 6,028
12/2013: My Little Pony #14 - 22,990 (30,725)(-35.5%)
01/2014: My Little Pony #15 - 27,461 (+19.4%)
02/2014: My Little Pony #16 - 26,942 (-1.9%)
02/2014: My Little Pony 100 Penny Press #1 - 21,957 (-1.9%)
03/2014: My Little Pony #17 - 26,683 (-0.9%)
04/2014: My Little Pony #18 - 26,091 (-2.2%)

Drifting a little, but far more stable these last few issues.

89, 91. Black Science (Image)

11/2013: Black Science #1 - 40,873
12/2013: Black Science #2 - 20,151 (-50.7%)
01/2014: Black Science #3 - 23,965 (-18.9%)
02/2014: Black Science #4 - 25,713 (+7.3%)
03/2014: -
04/2014: Black Science #5 - 25,492 (-0.9%)
04/2014: Black Science #6 - 24,892 (-2.3%)

Two issues this month, and looking like it’s stabilized.

90. Star Wars Rebel Heist (Dark Horse)

04/2014: Star Wars Rebel Heist #1 - 24,913

A good launch for what must be one of the last new Star Wars series that Dark Horse will be publishing. Han Solo is the star.

103. Solar Man of the Atom (Dynamite)

04/2014: Solar Man O/T Atom #1 - 22,767

An interesting take on the character, but the lowest selling of the Gold Key re-launches so far.

108. Starlight (Image)

03/2014: Starlight #1 - 34,080
04/2014: Starlight #2 - 22,305 (-34.5%)

A slightly high second-issue drop, taking it way below any of his other current series, by some 12-15,000 copies. It’s good though.

114. Buffy TVS (Dark Horse)

04/2013: Buffy TVS Season 9 #20 - 21,901


05/2013: Buffy TVS Season 9 #21 - 21,701 (-0.9%)
06/2013: Buffy TVS Season 9 #22 - 21,194 (-2.3%)
07/2013: Buffy TVS Season 9 #23 - 20,768 (-2.0%)
08/2013: Buffy TVS Season 9 #24 - 20,584 (-0.9%)
09/2013: Buffy TVS Season 9 #25 - 20,392 (-0.9%)
03/2013: Buffy TVS Season 10 #1 - 27,851 (+36.6%)
04/2013: Buffy TVS Season 10 #2 - 21,804 (-21.7%)

Swiftly dropping back to the same sales pattern as the last series. I would think it’ll drop below the end of the last season next month.

123. My Little Pony Friends Forever (IDW)

01/2014: MLP Friends Forever #1 - 23,370 
02/2014: MLP Friends Forever #2 - 20,676 (-11.5%)
03/2014: MLP Friends Forever #3 - 20,038 (-3.1%)
04/2014: MLP Friends Forever #4 - 20,149 (+0.5%)


124. Lazarus (Image)

05/2013: Lazarus #1 - 48,030
07/2013: Lazarus #2 - 27,143 (31,470)(-43.5%)
08/2013: Lazarus #3 - 24,961 (-8.0%)
09/2013: -
10/2013: Lazarus #4 - 23,701 (-5.0%)
11/2013: -
12/2013: Lazarus #5 - 22,695(-4.2%)
02/2014: Lazarus #6 - 21,198(-6.6%)
03/2014: Lazarus #7 - 20,150(-4.9%)
04/2014: Lazarus #8 - 19,826(-1.6%)

Levelling out, it would appear.

126. Pretty Deadly (Image)

10/2013: Pretty Deadly #1 - 45,883
11/2013: Pretty Deadly #2 - 23,581 (-48.6%)
12/2013: Pretty Deadly #3 - 21,079 (-10.6%)
01/2014: Pretty Deadly #4 - 19,664 (-6.7%)
02-03/2014: -
04/2014: Pretty Deadly #5 - 19,218 (-2.3%)

Starting to level out.

128. Shutter (Image)

04/2014: Shutter #1 - 18,984

A decent start for Joe Keatinge’s new fantasy book.

134. Deadly Class (Image)

01/2014: Deadly Class #1 - 34,572
02/2014: Deadly Class #2 - 21,159 (-38.8%)
03/2014: Deadly Class #3 - 18,536 (-12.4%)
04/2014: Deadly Class #4 - 17,855 (-3.7%)

Starting to level out.

135. Angel & Faith (Dark Horse)

04/2013: Angel & Faith #21 - 14,102


05/2013: Angel & Faith #22 - 13,895 (-1.5%)
06/2013: Angel & Faith #23 - 13,668 (-1.6%)
07/2013: Angel & Faith #24 - 13,368 (-2.2%)
08/2013: Angel & Faith #25 - 13,335 (-0.2%)
04/2014: Angel & Faith #1 - 17,820 (+33.6%)

A similar boost to the one that Buffy got with the new season, I expect it to drop back down within a few months.

138. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (IDW)

04/2013: TMNT #21 - 20,659


05/2013: TMNT #22 - 27,759 (+34.4%)
06/2013: TMNT #23 - 17,772 (-36.0%)
07/2013: TMNT #24 - 16,484 (-7.2%)
08/2013: TMNT #25 - 17,833 (+8.0%)
09/2013: TMNT #26 - 17,322 (-2.9%)
10/2013: TMNT #27 - 17,042 (-1.6%)
11/2013: TMNT #28 - 17,045 (0%)
12/2013: TMNT #29 - 15,532 (-8.9%)
01/2014: TMNT #30 - 14,979 (-3.6%)
02/2014: TMNT #31 - 14,684 (-2.0%)
03/2014: TMNT #32 - 15,040 (+2.4%)
04/2014: TMNT #33 - 16,736 (+11.3%)

A new arc brings a very healthy boost to sales. There are four more variants this month than last though.

144. Manifest Destiny (Image)

11/2013: Manifest Destiny #1 - 17,371
12/2013: Manifest Destiny #2 - 12,801 (-26.3%)
01/2014: Manifest Destiny #3 - 12,034 (-6.0%)
02/2014: Manifest Destiny #4 - 13,291 (+10.4%)
03/2014: Manifest Destiny #5 - 14,152 (+6.5%)
04/2014: Manifest Destiny #6 - 14,851 (+4.9%)

Slightly under the radar, this book is nicely climbing in sales.

146. Flash Gordon (Dynamite) 

04/2014: Flash Gordon #1 - 14,398

Jeff Parker follows up his well-received Kings Landing series with a new Flash Gordon series to tie-in to the 80th anniversary of the character.

147. The Manhattan Projects (Image)

04/2012: The Manhattan Projects #2 - 15,697
04/2013: The Manhattan Projects #11 - 17,517


05/2013: -
06/2013: The Manhattan Projects #12 - 17,076 (-2.5%)
07/2013: -
08/2013: The Manhattan Projects #13 - 17,556 (+2.8%)
09/2013: The Manhattan Projects #14 - 16,881 (-3.8%)
10/2013: The Manhattan Projects #15 - 16,842 (-0.2%)
11/2013: The Manhattan Projects #16 - 16,674 (-0.1%)
12/2013: The Manhattan Projects #17 - 15,646 (-6.0%)
02/2014: The Manhattan Projects #18 - 15,076 (-3.6%)
03/2014: The Manhattan Projects #19 - 14,813 (-1.7%)
04/2014: The Manhattan Projects #20 - 14,253 (-3.8%)

Slowly sliding. This book is brilliantly bonkers.

152, 191. X-Files Season 10 (IDW)

06/2013: X-Files Season 10 #1 - 24,270
07/2013: X-Files Season 10 #2 - 16,729 (-31.1%)
08/2013: X-Files Season 10 #3 - 17,557 (+4.9%)
09/2013: X-Files Season 10 #4 - 16,999 (-3.2%)
10/2013: X-Files Season 10 #5 - 16,819 (-1.1%)
11/2013: X-Files Season 10 #6 - 15,289 (-9.1%)
12/2013: X-Files Season 10 #7 - 14,792 (-3.3%)
01/2014: X-Files Season 10 #8 - 13,981 (-5.5%)
02/2014: X-Files Season 10 #9 - 13,129 (-6.1%)
03/2014: X-Files Season 10 #10 - 12,252 (-6.7%)
04/2014: X-Files Season 10 #11 - 13,210 (+7.8%)
04/2014: X-Files Annual 2014 - 9,504

The new issue gets a healthy boost, while an annual comes in a few thousand copies below.

153, 168. Adventure Time (Boom!)

04/2012: Adventure Time #3 - 17,131
04/2013: Adventure Time #15 - 21,682


05/2013: Adventure Time #16 - 21,659 (-0.1%)
05/2013: Adventure Time Annual #1 - 20,975
06/2013: Adventure Time #17 - 20,860 (-3.7%)
07/2013: Adventure Time #18 - 21,071 (+1.0%)
07/2013: Adventure Time Summer Special 2013 - 19,182 (26,278)
08/2013: Adventure Time #19 - 19,852 (-5.8%)
09/2013: Adventure Time #20 - 18,822 (-5.2%)
10/2013: Adventure Time #21 - 18,156 (-3.5%)
10/2013: Adventure Time 2013 Spooktacular - 16,920
11/2013: Adventure Time #22 - 16,905 (-6.9%)
12/2013: Adventure Time #23 - 15,635 (-7.5%)
01/2014: Adventure Time #24 - 14,757 (-5.6%)
01/2014: Adventure Time 2014 Special - 13,388 
02/2014: Adventure Time #25 - 14,191 (-3.8%)
03/2014: Adventure Time #26 - 13,839 (-2.5%)
04/2014: Adventure Time #27 - 13,205 (-4.6%)
04/2014: Adventure Time 2014 Annual - 11,573

Still showng no signs of levelling out in sales.

154. Caliban (Avatar)

04/2014: Caliban #1 - 13,196

A new Garth Ennis sci-fi book, with decent sales for an Avatar book.

155. Lumberjanes (Boom!)

04/2014: Lumberjanes #1 - 13,129

It is a shame that it even needs saying, but we need more comics like this, created by an all-female team, and aimed at all-ages, girls in particular. Hopefully sales will stay strong.

157. Invincible (Image)

04/2009: Invincible #61 - 15,678 
04/2010: Invincible #71 - 18,996 
04/2011: Invincible #79 - 15,558
04/2012: Invincible #90 - 14,393
04/2013: Invincible #102 - 15,249


05/2013: -
06/2013: Invincible #103 - 15,072 (-1.2%)
07/2013: Invincible #104 - 14,733 (-2.2%)
08/2013: -
09/2013: Invincible #105 - 14,437 (-2.0%)
10/2013: Invincible #106 - 13,961 (-3.3%)
11/2013: -
12/2013: Invincible #107 - 13,268 (-5.0%)
01/2014: Invincible #108 - 12,844 (-3.2%)
02/2014: -
03/2014: Invincible #109 - 12,748 (-0.7%)
04/2014: Invincible #110 - 12,557 (-1.5%)

I’ve not read this issue yet (I read in trades), but I’ve heard it compared to Miracleman #15 for sheer carnage.

158. Star Wars Darth Vader (Dark Horse)

04/2013: Ninth Assassin #1 - 17,278


05/2013: Ninth Assassin #2 - 15,322 (-11.3%)
06/2013: Ninth Assassin #3 - 14,806 (-3.4%)
07/2013: Ninth Assassin #4 - 14,650 (-1.1%)
08/2013: Ninth Assassin #5 - 14,258 (-2.7%)
09-11/2013: -
12/2013: Cry of Shadows #1 - 15,847 (+11.1%)
01/2014: Cry of Shadows #2 - 13,920 (-12.2%)
02/2014: Cry of Shadows #3 - 13,111 (-5.8%)
03/2014: Cry of Shadows #4 - 12,697 (-3.2%)
04/2014: Cry of Shadows #5 - 12,531 (-1.3%)

Last issue, and possibly the last Darth Vader-starring book from Dark Horse. Nothing solicited up to August, anyway.

159. Star Wars Legacy (Dark Horse)

04/2009: Star Wars Legacy #35 - 24,552
04/2010: Star Wars Legacy #47 - 20,022
04/2013: Star Wars Legacy II #2 - 16,384


05/2013: Star Wars Legacy II #3 - 16,497 (+0.7%)
06/2013: Star Wars Legacy II #4 - 16,147 (-2.1%)
07/2013: Star Wars Legacy II #5 - 15,854 (-1.8%)
08/2013: Star Wars Legacy II #6 - 15,394 (-2.9%)
09/2013: Star Wars Legacy II #7 - 14,924 (-3.0%)
10/2013: Star Wars Legacy II #8 - 14,576 (-2.3%)
11/2013: Star Wars Legacy II #9 - 13,999 (-4.0%)
11/2013: 1 For $1 Star Wars Legacy #1 - 6,624
12/2013: Star Wars Legacy II #10 - 13,783 (-1.5%)
01/2014: Star Wars Legacy II #11 - 13,398 (-3.0%)
02/2014: Star Wars Legacy II #12 - 13,029 (-2.7%)
03/2014: Star Wars Legacy II #13 - 12,671 (-2.7%)
04/2014: Star Wars Legacy II #14 - 12,523 (-1.2%)

Standard attrition.

161, 282. Red Sonja (Dynamite) 

04/2009: Red Sonja #43 - 12,318
04/2011: -
04/2012: Red Sonja #65 - 6,732
04/2013: Red Sonja #74 - 5,449


05/2013: Red Sonja #75 - 7,072 (+29.8%)
05/2013: Red Sonja #76 - 5,272 (-25.5%)
06/2013: Red Sonja #77 - 5,212 (-1.1%)
06/2013: Red Sonja #78 - ????
07/2013: Red Sonja #1 - 30,561 (+486.4%)
07/2013: Red Sonja #79 - ????
08/2013: Red Sonja #2 - 18,327 (-40.0%)
08/2013: Red Sonja #80 - 5,066 (???)
09/2013: Red Sonja #3 - 15,928 (-13.1%)
10/2013: Red Sonja #4 - 15,128 (-5.0%)
11/2013: Red Sonja #5 - 13,811 (-8.7%)
12/2013: Red Sonja #6 - 13,291 (-3.7%)
01/2014: Li'l Sonja #1 - 5,465
02/2014: Red Sonja #7 - 12,622 (-5.0%)
02/2014: Red Sonja Berserker - 5,810
04/2014: Red Sonja #8 - 12,392 (-1.8%)
04/2014: Red Sonja and Cub - 5,877

Maybe starting to level out, while a one-shot comes in at the sales level of the old series. They’d better try and keep Gail Simone, as it looks like people aren’t that interested otherwise.

164. Tomb Raider (Dark Horse)

02/2014: Tomb Raider #1 - 18,486
03/2014: Tomb Raider #2 - 13,636 (-26.2%)
04/2014: Tomb Raider #3 - 12,133 (-11.0%)

Yet, Ms Simone doesn’t seem to be able to keep Lara Croft at a decent level (you would imagine the licensing fee for TR is higher than for Red Sonja).

165. Spawn (Image)

04/2009: Spawn #191 - 19,805
04/2010: -
04/2011: Spawn #206 - 15,160
04/2012: Spawn #218 - 12,680
04/2013: Spawn #230 - 15,994


05/2013: Spawn #231 - 16,502 (+3.2%)
06/2013: Spawn #232 - 16,077 (-2.7%)
07/2013: Spawn #233 - 15,701 (-2.3%)
08/2013: Spawn #234 - 15,930 (+0.8%)
09/2013: Spawn #235 - 15,081 (-5.3%)
10/2013: Spawn #236 - 13,368 (-11.4%)
11/2013: Spawn #237 - 14,411 (+7.8%)
12/2013: Spawn #238 - 12,459 (-13.5%)
01/2014: Spawn #239 - 12,369 (-0.7%)
02/2014: Spawn #240 - 11,827 (-4.4%)
03/2014: Spawn #241 - 11,766 (-0.5%)
04/2014: Spawn #242 - 11,827 (+0.5%)

No, that isn’t an error, it did sell exactly what the February issue sold.

166. Dream Police (Image)

04/2014: Dream Police #1 - 11,804

JM Straczinski relaunches a book that had a one-shot at Marvel almost 10 years ago. Not especially encouraging sales.

169. Conan (Dark Horse)

04/2009: The Cimmerian #10 - 20,419 
04/2010: The Cimmerian #20 - 16,393
04/2011: The Road of Kings #4 - 12,827
04/2012: Conan the Barbarian #3 - 17,261
04/2013: Conan the Barbarian #15 - 12,845


05/2013: Conan the Barbarian #16 - 12,682 (-1.3%)
06/2013: Conan the Barbarian #17 - 12,395 (-2.3%)
07/2013: Conan the Barbarian #18 - 12,331 (-0.5%)
08/2013: Conan the Barbarian #19 - 12,105 (-1.8%)
09/2013: Conan the Barbarian #20 - 11,828 (-2.3%)
10/2013: Conan the Barbarian #21 - 11,800 (-0.2%)
11/2013: Conan the Barbarian #22 - 11,384 (-3.5%)
12/2013: Conan the Barbarian #23 - 11,245 (-1.2%)
01/2014: Conan the Barbarian #24 - 10,924 (-2.9%)
02/2014: Conan the Barbarian #25 - 10,736 (-1.7%)
03/2014: -
04/2014: Conan the Avenger #1 - 11,565 (+7.7%)

Fred van Lente takes over the ongoing following Brian Wood’s run. It doesn’t come in much higher than the end of the last series, which is a little worrying for Dark Horse.

170. Ten Grand (Image)

05/2013: Ten Grand #1 - 57,216
06/2013: Ten Grand #2 - 29,241 (-48.9%)
07/2013: Ten Grand #3 - 21,858 (-25.5%)
08/2013: Ten Grand #4 - 19,017 (-13.0%)
09-10/2013: -
11/2013: Ten Grand #5 - 17,020 (-10.5%)
12/2013: Ten Grand #6 - 15,366 (-9.7%)
02/2014: Ten Grand #7 - 13,201 (-14.1%)
03/2014: Ten Grand #8 - 12,117 (-8.2%)
04/2014: Ten Grand #9 - 11,210 (-7.5%)

This has now lost 80% of the sales that the first issue gained.

171. The Field (Image)

04/2014: The Field #1 - 11,173

A guy wakes up in a field in his underwear, with no idea who he is or how he got there. Then things start getting really bad. Prophet’s Simon Roy brings his style to a very strange but fascinating noir/ sci-fi/ horror book.

172. Chew (Image)

04/2010: Chew #10 - 13,335 (+3.6%)
04/2011: Chew #18 - 12,438 (+2.2%)
04/2012: Chew #25 - 11,753
04/2013: Chew #33 - 12,964


05/2013: Chew #34 - 12,836 (-1.0%)
06/2013: -
07/2013: Chew #35 - 12,818 (-0.1%)
08/2013: -
09/2013: Chew #36 - 12,402 (-3.2%)
10/2013: Chew #37 - 12,214 (-1.5%)
12/2013: Chew #38 - 12,068 (-1.2%)
01/2013: Chew #39 - 11,487 (-4.8%)
02/2013: Chew #40 - 11,193 (-2.6%)
04/2013: Chew #41 - 10,835 (-3.2%)

Standard attrition.

173. Star Trek Ongoing (IDW)

04/2013: -


05/2013: Star Trek Ongoing #20 - 10,508 (+0.9%)
05/2013: Star Trek Ongoing #21 - 12,055 (+14.7%)
06/2013: Star Trek Ongoing #22 - 10,799 (-10.4%)
07/2013: Star Trek Ongoing #23 - 11,022 (+2.1%)
08/2013: Star Trek Ongoing #24 - 10,886 (-1.2%)
09/2013: Star Trek Ongoing #25 - 11,388 (+4.6%)
10/2013: Star Trek Ongoing #26 - 10,872 (-4.5%)
11/2013: Star Trek Ongoing #27 - 9,985 (-8.2%)
12/2013: Star Trek Annual 2013 - 8,683
12/2013: Star Trek Ongoing #28 - 10,443 (+4.6%)
01/2014: Star Trek Ongoing #29 - 10,127 (-3.0%)
02/2014: Star Trek Ongoing #30 - 9,906 (-2.2%)
03/2014: Star Trek Ongoing #31 - 9,781 (-1.3%)
04/2014: Star Trek Ongoing #32 - 10,801 (+10.4%)

A big boost, for no apparent reason that I can see.

174, 177. God is Dead (Avatar)

09/2013: God Is Dead #1 - 26,664
10/2013: God Is Dead #2 - 15,366 (-42.4%)
11/2013: God Is Dead #3 - 14,930 (-2.8%)
12/2013: God Is Dead #4 - 13,369 (-10.5%)
01/2014: God Is Dead #5 - 11,897 (-11.0%)
02/2014: God Is Dead #6 - 12,852 (+8.0%)
02/2014: God Is Dead #7 - 12,008 (-6.6%)
03/2014: God Is Dead #8 - 11,515 (-4.1%)
03/2014: God Is Dead #9 - 10,976 (-4.7%)
04/2014: God Is Dead #10 - 10,564 (-3.7%)
04/2014: God Is Dead #11 - 10,326 (-2.3%)

Starting to level out.

175. V-Wars (IDW)

04/2014: V-Wars #1 - 10,460

A riff on the True Blood world, where vampires are co-existing alongside humans, until war breaks out between the two sides. Quite a fun little book, actually.

176. Revival (Image)

04/2013: Revival #9 - 16,977


05/2013: Revival #10 - 16,314 (-3.9%)
06/2013: Revival #11 - 13,536 (-17.0%)
07/2013: Revival #12 - 13,948 (+3.0%)
08/2013: Revival #13 - 12,549 (-10.0%)
09/2013: Revival #14 - 12,254 (-2.3%)
10/2013: -
11/2013: Revival #15 - 11,468 (-6.4%)
12/2013: Revival #16 - 11,065 (-3.5%)
01/2014: Revival #17 - 10,585 (-4.3%)
02/2014: -
03/2014: Revival #18 - 10,456 (-1.2%)
04/2014: Revival #19 - 10,384 (-0.7%)

Rock solid this month.

180. Magnus Robot Fighter (Dynamite)

03/2014: Magnus Robot Fighter #1 - 27,497
04/2014: Magnus Robot Fighter #2 - 9,898 (-64.0%)

A not unexpectedly huge second-issue drop.

182. Thief of Thieves (Image)

04/2012: Thief of Thieves #3 - 13,644
04/2013: Thief of Thieves #13 - 15,201


05/2013: Thief of Thieves #14 - 16,938 (+11.4%)
06/2013: -
07/2013: Thief of Thieves #15 - 14,013 (-17.3%)
08/2013: Thief of Thieves #16 - 13,182 (-5.9%)
09/2013: -
10/2013: Thief of Thieves #17 - 12,511 (-5.1%)
11/2013: Thief of Thieves #18 - 11,809 (-5.6%)
12/2013: -
01/2014: Thief of Thieves #19 - 11,291 (-4.4%)
02-03/2014: -
04/2014: Thief of Thieves #20 - 9,874 (-12.6%)

Falling fast again.

183. Transformers Windblade (IDW)

04/2014: Transformers Windblade #1 - 9,855

Something of a cause-celeb, this is the first fan-created Transformer to be added to the official universe, and it’s a female robot to boot, by a female creative team.

184. Dead Body Road (Image)

12/2013: Dead Body Road #1 - 16,840
01/2014: Dead Body Road #2 - 11,900 (-29.3%)
02/2014: Dead Body Road #3 - 10,659 (-10.4%)
03/2014: Dead Body Road #4 - 10,536 (-1.1%)
04/2014: Dead Body Road #5 - 9,832 (-6.7%)

The penultimate issue suffers a bit of a drop-off.

185. Transformers More TMTE (IDW)

04/2012: More Than Meets Eye #4 - 12,053
04/2013: More Than Meets Eye #16 - 9,637


05/2013: More Than Meets Eye #17 - 9,523 (-1.2%)
06/2013: More Than Meets Eye #18 - 9,394 (-1.4%)
07/2013: More Than Meets Eye #19 - 9,320 (-0.8%)
08/2013: More Than Meets Eye #20 - 9,402 (+0.9%)
09/2013: More Than Meets Eye #21 - 9,258 (-1.5%)
10/2013: More Than Meets Eye #22 - 9,248 (-0.1%)
11/2013: Dark Cybertron #1 - 12,165
11/2013: More Than Meets Eye #23 - 9,579 (+3.6%)
12/2013: More Than Meets Eye #24 - 10,138 (+5.8%)
01/2014: More Than Meets Eye #25 - 9,867 (-2.7%)
02/2014: More Than Meets Eye #26 - 9,663 (-2.1%)
03/2014: More Than Meets Eye #27 - 9,409 (-2.6%)
03/2014: Dark Cybertron Finale - 9,395
04/2014: More Than Meets Eye #28 - 9,667 (+2.7%)

A small boost as the two main books start the Dawn of the Autobots.

186. Adventure Time Flip Side (Boom!)

01/2014: Adventure Time Flip Side #1 - 13,372
02/2014: Adventure Time Flip Side #2 - 11,318 (-15.4%)
03/2014: Adventure Time Flip Side #3 - 10,157 (-10.3%)
04/2014: Adventure Time Flip Side #4 - 9,652 (-5.0%)

Starting to level out.

187. The Veil (Dark Horse)

03/2014: Veil #1 - 14,445
04/2014: Veil #2 - 9,627 (-33.3%)

Not a great drop, but it is a slightly weird book by Mr Rucka’s standards, probably doesn’t appeal to all.

188. Turok, Dinosaur Hunter (Dynamite)

02/2014: Turok Dinosaur Hunter #1 - 30,722
03/2014: Turok Dinosaur Hunter #2 - 11,296 (-63.0%)
04/2014: Turok Dinosaur Hunter #3 - 9,586 (-15.1%)

A far smoother third-issue drop, but not a great sales figure.

189. Transformers Robots In Disguise (IDW)

04/2012: Transformers Robots In Disguise #4 - 11,896
04/2013: Transformers Robots In Disguise #16 - 9,700


05/2013: Transformers Robots In Disguise #17 - 9,540 (-1.6%)
06/2013: Transformers Robots In Disguise #18 - 9,495 (-0.5%)
07/2013: Transformers Robots In Disguise #19 - 9,564 (+0.7%)
08/2013: Transformers Robots In Disguise #20 - 9,218 (-3.6%)
09/2013: -
10/2013: Transformers Robots In Disguise #21 - 9,220 (0%)
10/2013: Transformers Robots In Disguise #22 - 9,044 (-1.9%)
11/2013: Transformers Robots In Disguise #23 - 10,355 (+14.5%)
12/2013: Transformers Robots In Disguise #24 - 9,812 (-5.2%)
01/2014: Transformers Robots In Disguise #25 - 9,609 (-2.1%)
02/2014: Transformers Robots In Disguise #26 - 9,535 (-0.7%)
03/2014: Transformers Robots In Disguise #27 - 9,409 (-1.3%)
04/2014: Transformers Robots In Disguise #28 - 9,568 (+1.7%)

A small rise for the Dawn of the Autobots.

192. Translucid (Boom!)

04/2014: Translucid #1 - 9,487

A new book from Coheed & Cambria frontman Claudio Sanchez, doing decent numbers.

194. Unity (Valiant)

11/2013: Unity #1 - 60,003
12/2013: Unity #2 - 18,845 (-68.6%)
01/2014: Unity #3 - 13,277 (-29.5%)
02/2014: Unity #4 - 10,644 (-19.8%)
03/2014: Unity #5 - 12,268 (+15.3%)
04/2014: Unity #6 - 9,351 (-23.8%)


196. Sons of Anarchy (Boom!) 

09/2013: Sons of Anarchy #1 - 27,601
10/2013: Sons of Anarchy #2 - 14,688 (-46.8%)
11/2013: Sons of Anarchy #3 - 13,251 (-9.8%)
12/2013: Sons of Anarchy #4 - 12,215 (-7.8%)
01/2014: Sons of Anarchy #5 - 11,607 (-5.0%)
02/2014: Sons of Anarchy #6 - 11,228 (-3.3%)
03/2014: Sons of Anarchy #7 - 9,910 (-11.7%)
04/2014: Sons of Anarchy #8 - 9,304 (-6.1%)

Sliding a bit fast.

197. Lola XOXO (Aspen)

04/2014: Lola XOXO #1 - 9,207

Aspen’s first full-price launch for a while, following last year’s dollar debuts.

198. Stray Bullets (Image)

03/2014: Stray Bullets #41 - 8,297
03/2014: Stray Bullets The Killers #1 - 14,208
04/2014: Stray Bullets The Killers #2 - 9,147 (-35.6%)

Quite a hefty drop, but it’ll be a month or two more before we get any idea where sales will settle.

199. Danger Girl (IDW)

04/2013: Danger Girl Trinity #1 - 12,063


05/2013: Danger Girl Trinity #2 - 8,167 (-32.3%)
06/2013: Danger Girl Trinity #3 - 8,144 (-0.3%)
07/2013: Danger Girl Trinity #4 - 7,790 (-4.3%)
08/2013: -
09/2013: Danger Girl The Chase #1 - 10,180 (+30.7%)
10/2013: Danger Girl The Chase #2 - 8,067 (-20.8%)
11/2013: Danger Girl The Chase #3 - 7,738 (-4.1%)
12/2013: Danger Girl The Chase #4 - 7,411 (-4.2%)
01-03/2014: -
04/2014: Danger Girl Mayday #1 - 9,051 (+22.1%)

A reasonable rise for the new series, but a lower start than the last run.

200. Twilight Zone (Dynamite)

12/2013: Twilight Zone #1 - 21,723
01/2014: Twilight Zone #2 - 11,537 (-46.9%)
02/2014: Twilight Zone #3 - 10,061 (-12.8%)
03/2014: -
04/2014: Twilight Zone #4 - 9,014 (-10.4%)

Not looking like it’ll settle down too soon.

201. Samurai Jack (IDW)

10/2013: Samurai Jack #1 - 23,661
11/2013: Samurai Jack #2 - 12,645 (-46.6%)
12/2013: Samurai Jack #3 - 11,553 (-8.6%)
01/2014: Samurai Jack #4 - 10,451 (-9.5%)
02/2014: Samurai Jack #5 - 9,989 (-4.4%)
03/2014: Samurai Jack #6 - 8,960 (-10.3%)
04/2014: Samurai Jack #7 - 8,990 (+0.3%)

Rock solid this month.

203, 292. Warlord of Mars (Dynamite)

04/2014: -


05/2013: Warlord of Mars #24 - 8,347 (-4.8%)
05/2013: Warlord of Mars #25 - 7,731 (-7.4%)
06/2013: -
07/2013: Warlord of Mars #26 - 7,233 (-6.4%)
07/2013: Warlord of Mars #27 - 6,876 (-4.9%)
08-09/2013: -
10/2013: Warlord of Mars #28 - 7,000 (+1.8%)
11/2013: Warlord of Mars #29 - 6,474 (-7.5%)
11/2013: Warlord of Mars #30 - 6,455 (-0.3%)
12/2013: Warlord of Mars #31 - 6,421 (-0.5%)
01/2014: Warlord of Mars #32 - 6,392 (-0.5%)
01/2014: Warlord of Mars #33 - 5,837 (-8.7%)
02/2014: -
03/2014: Warlord of Mars #34 - 5,609 (-3.9%)
04/2014: Warlord of Mars #100 - 8,814 (+57.1%)
04/2014: Warlord of Mars #35 - 5,570 (-36.8%)

A slightly wobbly definition of #100 (100 Warlord and related titles) brings a small boost which drops right back with the next issue.

204. Frankenstein Alive Alive! (IDW)

05/2012: Frankenstein Alive, Alive! #1 - 14,692
06-10/2012: -
11/2012: Frankenstein Alive, Alive! #2 - 10,685 (-27.3%)
12/2013-03/2014: -
04/2014: Frankenstein Alive, Alive! #3 - 8,748 (-18.1%)

Badly delayed due to Mr Wrightson’s health, but not dropping as far as it could have done.

205. X-O Manowar (Valiant)

04/2013: X-O Manowar #12 - 13,216


05/2013: X-O Manowar #13 - 13,305 (+0.7%)
06/2013: X-O Manowar #14 - 13,227 (-0.6%)
07/2013: X-O Manowar #15 - 13,997 (+5.5%)
08/2013: X-O Manowar #16 - 11,019 (-21.3%)
09/2013: X-O Manowar #17 - 10,859 (-1.5%)
10/2013: X-O Manowar #18 - 11,438 (+5.3%)
11/2013: X-O Manowar #19 - 11,744 (+3.0%)
12/2013: X-O Manowar #20 - 9,941 (-15.4%)
01/2014: X-O Manowar #21 - 9,336 (-6.1%)
02/2014: X-O Manowar #22 - 9,808 (+5.1%)
03/2014: X-O Manowar #23 - 9,394 (-4.2%)
04/2014: X-O Manowar #24 - 8,595 (-8.5%)

Not looking too healthy for Valiant’s flagship book.

206. King Conan (Dark Horse)

05/2013: Hour of The Dragon #1 - 12,566
06/2013: Hour of The Dragon #2 - 9,808 (-21.9%)
07/2013: Hour of The Dragon #3 - 9,319 (-5.0%)
08/2013: Hour of The Dragon #4 - 9,492 (+1.9%)
09/2013: Hour of The Dragon #5 - 9,358 (-1.4%)
10/2013: Hour of The Dragon #6 - 9,131 (-2.4%)
02/2014: Conqueror #1 - 9,646 (+5.6%)
03/2014: Conqueror #2 - 8,495 (-11.9%)
04/2014: Conqueror #3 - 8,519 (+0.3%)


207. 24 (IDW)

04/2014: 24 #1 - 8,515

A new series to tie-in with the new TV miniseries. Not spectacular sales.

208. BPRD (Dark Horse)

04/2013: Hell on Earth #106 Cold Day in Hell - 10,419


05/2013: Hell on Earth #107 Wasteland #1 - 10,493 (+0.7%)
06/2013: Hell on Earth #108  - 10,093 (-3.8%)
07/2013: Hell on Earth #109  - 10,018 (-0.7%)
08/2013: Hell on Earth #110  - 9,842 (-1.8%)
09/2013: Hell on Earth #111  - 9,587 (-2.5%)
10/2013: Hell on Earth #112  - 9,497 (-0.9%)
11/2013: Hell on Earth #113  - 8,904 (-6.2%)
12/2013: Hell on Earth #114  - 8,668 (-2.6%)
01/2014: Hell on Earth #115  - 9,072 (+4.7%)
02/2014: Hell on Earth #116  - 8,674 (-4.4%)
03/2014: Hell on Earth #117  - 8,510 (-1.9%)
04/2014: Hell on Earth #118  - 8,473 (-0.4%)

Stable this month.

209. GI Joe Real American Hero (IDW)

04/2013: Real American Hero #189 - 7,496


05/2013: Real American Hero #190 - 7,550 (+0.7%)
06/2013: Real American Hero #191 - 7,407 (-1.9%)
07/2013: Real American Hero #192 - 7,361 (-0.6%)
08/2013: Real American Hero #193 - 7,314 (-0.6%)
09/2013: -
10/2013: Real American Hero #194 - 7,314 (0%)
10/2013: Real American Hero #195 - 7,135 (-2.4%)
11/2013: Real American Hero #196 - 8,102 (+13.6%)
12/2013: Real American Hero #197 - 6,983 (-13.8%)
01/2014: Real American Hero #198 - 6,736 (-3.5%)
02/2014: Real American Hero #199 - 6,652 (-1.2%)
03/2014: Real American Hero #200 - 11,780 (+77.1%)
04/2014: Real American Hero #201 - 8,294 (-29.6%)

A drop after last month’s anniversary, but holding some of the increase still.

210. The Shadow Year One (Dynamite)

04/2013: Shadow Year One #2 - 13,748


05/2013: Shadow Year One #3 - 13,035 (-5.2%)
06/2013: -
07/2013: Shadow Year One #4 - 12,352 (-5.2%)
06/2013: -
09/2013: Shadow Year One #5 - 11,476 (-7.1%)
10/2013: Shadow Year One #6 - 10,351 (-9.8%)
01/2014: Shadow Year One #7 - 9,201 (-11.1%)
02-03/2014: -
04/2014: Shadow Year One #8 - 8,230 (-10.5%)

Falling fast, but the delays can’t be helping matters.

211. Harbinger (Valiant)

04/2013: Harbinger #11 - 14,299


05/2013: Harbinger #12 - 12,572 (-12.1%)
06/2013: Harbinger #13 - 12,930 (+2.8%)
07/2013: Harbinger #14 - 10,709 (-17.2%)
08/2013: Harbinger #15 - 12,086 (+12.9%)
09/2013: Harbinger #16 - 10,199 (-15.6%)
10/2013: Harbinger #17 - 10,686 (+4.8%)
11/2013: Harbinger #18 - 9,203 (-13.9%)
12/2013: Harbinger #19 - 9,237 (+0.4%)
01/2014: Harbinger #20 - 9,060 (-1.9%)
02/2014: Harbinger #21 - 8,473 (-6.5%)
03/2014: Harbinger Bleeding Monk #0 - 8,423
04/2014: Harbinger #22 - 8,213 (-3.1%)


212. Sidekick (Image)

08/2013: Sidekick #1 - 27,832
09/2013: Sidekick #2 - 14,533 (-47.8%)
10/2013: Sidekick #3 - 11,371 (-21.8%)
11/2013: Sidekick #4 - 9,976 (-12.3%)
12/2013-01/2014: -
02/2014: Sidekick #5 - 8,943 (-10.3%)
03/2014: -
04/2014: Sidekick #6 - 8,192 (-8.4%)

Well, that’s the smallest drop so far.

215. Fuse (Image)

02/2014: Fuse #1 - 15,957
03/2014: Fuse #2 - 9,928 (-37.8%)
04/2014: Fuse #3 - 8,039 (-19.0%)

An average third-issue drop, thoroughly enjoying it too.

216. Archer & Armstrong (Valiant)

04/2013: Archer & Armstrong #9 - 11,125


05/2013: Archer & Armstrong #0 - 12,076 (+8.6%)
06/2013: Archer & Armstrong #10 - 13,241 (+8.6%)
07/2013: Archer & Armstrong #11 - 9,880 (-25.4%)
08/2013: Archer & Armstrong #12 - 9,971 (+0.9%)
09/2013: Archer & Armstrong #13 - 9,910 (-0.6%)
10/2013: Archer & Armstrong #14 - 10,811 (+9.1%)
11/2013: Archer & Armstrong #15 - 8,998 (-16.8%)
12/2013: Archer & Armstrong #16 - 8,608 (-4.3%)
01/2014: Archer & Armstrong #17 - 8,112 (-5.8%)
02/2014: Archer & Armstrong #0 - 8,671 (+6.9%)
03/2014: Archer & Armstrong #18 - 8,156 (+0.5%)
04/2014: Archer & Armstrong #19 - 7,969 (-2.3%)

The drops resume.

218. Sonic Universe (Archie)

04/2013: Sonic Universe #51 - 9,912


05/2013: Sonic Universe #52 - 11,500 (+16.0%)
06/2013: Sonic Universe #53 - 11,123 (-3.3%)
07/2013: Sonic Universe #54 - 11,398 (+2.5%)
08/2013: Sonic Universe #55 - 9,239 (-18.9%)
09/2013: Sonic Universe #56 - 9,253 (+0.1%)
10/2013: Sonic Universe #57 - 8,874 (-4.1%)
11/2013: Sonic Universe #58 - 8,433 (-5.0%)
12/2013: Sonic Universe #59 - 8,123 (-3.7%)
01/2014: -
02/2014: Sonic Universe #60 - 7,902 (-2.7%)
03/2014: Sonic Universe #61 - 7,715 (-2.4%)
04/2014: Sonic Universe #62 - 7,927 (-2.7%)

Standard attrition.

219. Quantum & Woody (Valiant)

07/2013: Quantum & Woody #1 - 17,622
08/2013: Quantum & Woody #2 - 12,818 (-27.3%)
09/2013: Quantum & Woody #3 - 10,734 (-16.3%)
10/2013: Quantum & Woody #4 - 11,242 (+4.7%)
11/2013: Quantum & Woody #5 - 10,816 (-3.8%)
12/2013: Quantum & Woody #6 - 8,855 (-18.1%)
01/2014: Quantum & Woody #7 - 8,590 (-3.0%)
02/2014: Quantum & Woody #8 - 7,992 (-7.0%)
03/2014: Quantum & Woody Goat #0 - 8,747 
04/2014: Quantum & Woody #9 - 7,896 (-1.2%)

Relatively stable this month.

220. Shadowman (Valiant)

04/2013: Shadowman #6 - 11,759


05/2013: Shadowman #0 - 12,252 (+4.2%)
06/2013: Shadowman #7 - 12,017 (-1.9%)
07/2013: Shadowman #8 - 10,089 (-16.0%)
08/2013: Shadowman #9 - 9,895 (-1.9%)
09/2013: Shadowman #10 - 10,064 (+1.7%)
10/2013: Shadowman #11 - 10,632 (+5.6%)
11/2013: Shadowman #12 - 8,735 (-17.8%)
12/2013: Shadowman #13 - 9,403 (+7.6%)
01/2014: Shadowman #14 - 7,560 (-19.6%)
02/2014: Shadowman #15 - 7,239 (-4.2%)
03/2014: Shadowman #16 - 7,189 (-0.7%)
04/2014: Shadowman End Times #1 - 7,777 (+8.2%)

A small boost for this mini-series. Not sure if the ongoing will resume when it ends though.

221, 222. Uber (Avatar)

04/2013: Uber #0 - 10,849


05/2013: Uber #1 - 16,109 (+32.6%)
05/2013: Uber #0 Enhanced Edition - 5,084
06/2013: Uber #2 - 16,160 (+0.3%)
07/2013: Uber #3 - 14,594 (-9.7%)
07/2013: Uber #4 - 12,030 (-17.6%)
08/2013: Uber #5 - 11,598 (-3.6%)
10/2013: Uber #6 - 10,747 (-7.3%)
11/2013: Uber #7 - 9,784 (-9.0%)
12/2013: Uber #8 - 9,065 (-7.3%)
01/2014: Uber #9 - 8,448 (-6.8%)
03/2014: Uber #10 - 8,133 (-3.7%)
03/2014: Uber Special #1 - 7,176
04/2014: Uber #11 - 7,732 (-4.9%)
04/2014: Uber #12 - 7,694 (-0.5%)

Stable this month. I love this book, it should be selling better.

224. Bloodshot (Valiant)

04/2013: Bloodshot #10 - 13,376


05/2013: Bloodshot #11 - 11,146 (-16.7%)
06/2013: Bloodshot #12 - 12,145 (+9.0%)
07/2013: Bloodshot #12 - 10,058 (-17.2%)
08/2013: Bloodshot #0 - 11,303 (+12.4%)
09/2013: Bloodshot & The Hard Corps #14 - 10,225 (-9.5%)
10/2013: Bloodshot & The Hard Corps #15 - 9,806 (-4.1%)
11/2013: Bloodshot & The Hard Corps #16 - 8,666 (-11.6%)
12/2013: Bloodshot & The Hard Corps #17 - 8,142 (-6.0%)
01/2014: Bloodshot & The Hard Corps #18 - 8,529 (+4.8%)
02/2014: Bloodshot & The Hard Corps #0 - 7,895 (-7.4%)
02/2014: Bloodshot & The Hard Corps #19 - 7,281 (-7.8%)
03/2014: Bloodshot & The Hard Corps #20 - 7,929 (+8.9%)
04/2014: Bloodshot & The Hard Corps #21 - 7,630 (-3.8%)

Falling again as the crossover with Archer & Armstrong ends.

226. Dead Letters (Boom!)

04/2014: Dead Letters #1 - 7,605

A new noir book from a pair of relative unknowns, so not a bad debut.

227. The Shadow (Dynamite)

04/2013: The Shadow #12 - 10,815


05/2013: The Shadow #13 - 11,474 (+6.1%)
06/2013: The Shadow #14 - 10,071 (-12.2%)
07/2013: The Shadow #15 - 9,851 (-21.8%)
08/2013: The Shadow #16 - 9,484 (-3.7%)
09/2013: The Shadow #17 - 9,880 (+4.2%)
09/2013: The Shadow Annual 2013 - 6,497
10/2013: The Shadow #18 - 10,863 (+9.9%)
11/2013: The Shadow #19 - 8,955 (-17.6%)
11/2013: The Shadow #20 - 8,805 (-1.7%)
12/2013: -
01/2014: The Shadow #21 - 8,500 (-3.5%)
02/2014: The Shadow #22 - 8,063 (-5.1%)
03/2014: The Shadow #23 - 7,809 (-3.1%)
04/2014: The Shadow #24 - 7,588 (-2.8%)

Slowly spiralling down.

228. 68 (Sixty Eight) (Image)

04/2013: Jungle Jim #2 - ???? (???)


07/2013: Jungle Jim #3 - ???? (???)
08/2013: Jungle Jim #4 - ???? (???)
01/2014: Hallowed Ground - ???? (???)
04/2014: Rule of War #1 - 7,483 (???)

The new series charts for the first time in a while.

229. Lobster Johnson (Dark Horse)

05/2013: Satan Smells a Rat #1 - 9,846 (-6.9%)
07/2013: Scent of Lotus #1 - 9,586 (-2.6%)
08/2013: Scent of Lotus #2 - 8,844 (-7.7%)
02/2014: Get Lobster #1 - 8,266 (-6.5%)
03/2014: Get Lobster #2 - 7,694 (-6.9%)
04/2014: Get Lobster #3 - 7,480 (-2.8%)

Less of a drop this month.

230. Sovereign (Image) 

03/2014: Sovereign #1 - 13,204
04/2014: Sovereign #2 - 7,457 (-43.5%)

This is quite a complicated fantasy series, possibly a little over-complicated; I’m certainly a bit lost. Not a great second-issue drop either.

231. Dexter's Laboratory (IDW)

04/2014: Dexter's Laboratory #1 - 7,385

Not a lot of people clamouring for a new Dexter’s Lab series it would seem.

232. Rachel Rising (Abstract) 

04/2013: Rachel Rising #16 - 7,608


05/2013: -
06/2013: Rachel Rising #17 - 8,336 (+9.6%)
07/2013: Rachel Rising #18 - 8,504 (+2.0%)
08/2013: -
09/2013: Rachel Rising #19 - 8,348 (-1.8%)
10/2013: Rachel Rising #20 - 8,166 (-2.2%)
11/2013: Rachel Rising #21 - 7,795 (-4.5%)
12/2013: Rachel Rising #22 - 7,581 (-2.7%)
01/2014: -
02/2014: Rachel Rising #23 - 7,511 (-0.9%)
03/2014: Rachel Rising #24 - ???? (???)
04/2014: Rachel Rising #25 - 7,378 (???)

I have no idea what happened with last month’s issue, it didn’t chart, so I can only guess that the sales got split over two months, as has happened a couple of times in the past, and were too low to register.

233. The Bunker (Oni)

02/2014: The Bunker #1 - 10,378
03/2014: The Bunker #2 - 7,864 (-24.2%)
04/2014: The Bunker #3 - 7,347 (-6.6%)

Smoothing out pretty quickly.

234. Undertow (Image)

02/2014: Undertow #1 - 14,859
03/2014: Undertow #2 - 9,247 (-37.8%)
04/2014: Undertow #3 - 7,291 (-21.2%)

Not smoothing out very quickly.

236. Mercenary Sea (Image)

02/2014: Mercenary Sea #1 - 10,728
03/2014: Mercenary Sea #2 - 8,509 (-20.7%)
04/2014: Mercenary Sea #3 - 7,222 (-15.1%)

And this one is about average.

237. Secret (Image)

04/2012: Secret #1 - 17,829
06/2012: Secret #2 - 14,905 (-16.4%)
08/2013: Secret #3 - 12,130 (-18.6%)
12/2013: Secret #4 - 9,849 (-18.8%)
02/2014: Secret #5 - 8,394 (-14.8%)
03/2014: Secret #6 - 7,864 (-6.3%)
04/2014: Secret #7 - 7,161 (-8.9%)

The drops accelerate again.

238, 250. Crossed Badlands (Avatar)

04/2013: Crossed Badlands #27 - 7,930


05/2013: Crossed Badlands #28 - 7,891 (-0.5%)
05/2013: Crossed Badlands #29 - 7,595 (-3.7%)
06/2013: Crossed Badlands #30 - 7,573 (-0.3%)
06/2013: Crossed Badlands #31 - 7,327 (-3.2%)
07/2013: Crossed Badlands #32 - 7,399 (+1.0%)
07/2013: Crossed Badlands #33 - 7,209 (-2.6%)
08/2013: Crossed Badlands #34 - 7,204 (0%)
08/2013: Crossed Badlands #35 - 6,737 (-6.5%)
09/2013: Crossed Badlands #36 - 6,990 (+3.8%)
09/2013: Crossed Special 2013 - 6,472
10/2013: Crossed Badlands #37 - 6,901 (-1.3%)
10/2013: Crossed Badlands #38 - 6,840 (-0.8%)
10/2013: Crossed Badlands #39 - 6,743 (-1.4%)
10/2013: Crossed Badlands #40 - 6,607 (-2.0%)
11/2013: Crossed Badlands #41 - 6,516 (-1.4%)
11/2013: Crossed Badlands #42 - 6,467 (-0.7%)
12/2013: Crossed Badlands #43 - 6,086 (-5.9%)
01/2014: Crossed Badlands #44 - 6,111 (+0.4%)
01/2014: Crossed Badlands #45 - 5,948 (-2.7%)
01/2014: Crossed Badlands #46 - 5,879 (-1.2%)
02/2014: Crossed Badlands #47 - 5,899 (+0.3%)
02/2014: Crossed Badlands #48 - 5,829 (-1.2%)
03/2014: Crossed Badlands #49 - 5,845 (+0.2%)
03/2014: Crossed Badlands #50 - 8,685 (+48.6%)
04/2014: Crossed Badlands #51 - 7,092 (-18.3%)
04/2014: Crossed Badlands #52 - 6,811 (-4.0%)

Not holding as much of the audience as the last Ennis run.

239, 260. Simpsons Comics (Bongo)

04/2013: Simpsons Comics #201 - 6,844


05/2013: Simpsons Comics #202 - 6,950 (+1.5%)
06/2013: Malevolent Mr Burns #1 - 8,048
06/2013: Simpsons Comics #203 - 6,930 (-0.3%)
07/2013: Simpsons Comics #204 - 6,976 (+0.7%)
08/2013: Simpsons Comics #205 - 6,894 (-1.2%)
09/2013: -
10/2013: Simpsons Comics #206 - 7,082 (+2.7%)
12/2013: Wonderful World of Lisa Simpson #1 - 7,744
12/2013: Simpsons Comics #207 - 6,794 (-4.1%)
01/2014: Simpsons Comics #208 - 6,486 (-4.5%)
02/2014: Simpsons Comics #209 - 6,509 (+0.3%)
03/2014: Simpsons Comics #210 - 6,334 (-2.7%)
04/2014: Duffman Adventures #1 - 7,070
04/2014: Simpsons Comics #211 - 6,390 (+0.9%)

Maybe slightly scraping the bottom of the barrel with this month’s character special, otherwise, stable.

241. Doc Savage (Dynamite)

12/2013: Doc Savage #1 - 13,631
01/2014: Doc Savage #2 - 9,000 (-34.0%)
02/2014: Doc Savage #3 - 8,214 (-8.7%)
03/2014: Doc Savage #4 - 7,561 (-7.9%)
04/2014: Doc Savage #5 - 6,974 (-7.8%)

Swiftly spiralling downwards.

242. Battlestar Galactica Six (Dynamite)

04/2014: BSG Six #1 - 6,956

A return to the modern BSG, with a spotlight on Cylon Six.

243. Game of Thrones (Dynamite)

04/2013: -


05/2013: Game of Thrones #14 - 8,468 (-5.7%)
06/2013: Game of Thrones #15 - 8,081 (-4.6%)
07/2013: -
08/2013: Game of Thrones #16 - 7,824 (-3.2%)
09/2013: -
10/2013: Game of Thrones #17 - 7,545 (-3.6%)
11-12/2013: -
01/2014: Game of Thrones #18 - 7,513 (-4.2%)
02/2014: -
03/2014: Game of Thrones #19 - 7,043 (-6.3%)
04/2014: Game of Thrones #20 - 6,938 (-1.5%)

Solid this month.

244. EA Poe Fall O/T House of Usher 

11/2012: EA Poe Conqueror Worm One-Shot - 6,930
05/2013: EA Poe Fall O/T House of Usher #1 - 7,650 (-10.4%)
06/2013: EA Poe Fall O/T House of Usher #2 - 6,556 (-14.3%)
10/2013: EA Poe The Raven & Red Death One Shot - 7,560 (-15.3%)
04/2014: EA Poe Premature Burial One Shot - 6,925 (-8.4%)

Another of Rich Corben’s irregular one-shots.

245. Eternal Warrior (Valiant)

09/2013: Eternal Warrior #1 - 17,224
10/2013: Eternal Warrior #2 - 11,984 (-30.4%)
11/2013: Eternal Warrior #3 - 9,628 (-19.7%)
12/2013: Eternal Warrior #4 - 9,645 (+0.2%)
01/2014: Eternal Warrior #5 - 9,503 (-1.5%)
02/2014: Eternal Warrior #6 - 7,862 (-17.3%)
03/2014: Eternal Warrior #7 - 7,336 (-6.7%)
04/2014: Eternal Warrior #8 - 6,920 (-5.7%)

Still falling a bit quickly.

246. Godzilla (IDW)

04/2013: Godzilla #11 - 6,905


05/2013: Godzilla #12 - 6,782 (-1.8%)
06/2013: Godzilla Rulers of The Earth #1 - 9,813 (+44.7%)
07/2013: Godzilla #13 - 6,741 (-0.6%)
08/2013: Godzilla Rulers of The Earth #2 - 7,483 (-23.7%)
08/2013: Godzilla Rulers of The Earth #3 - 7,080 (-5.4%)
09/2013: Godzilla Rulers of The Earth #4 - 6,820 (-3.7%)
10/2013: Godzilla Rulers of The Earth #5 - 6,920 (+1.4%)
11/2013: Godzilla Rulers of The Earth #6 - 6,653 (-3.9%)
12/2013: Godzilla Rulers of The Earth #7 - 6,587 (-0.9%)
01/2014: Godzilla Rulers of The Earth #8 - 6,530 (-0.8%)
02/2014: Godzilla Rulers of The Earth #9 - 6,531 (0%)
03/2014: Godzilla Rulers of The Earth #10 - 6,677 (+0.2%)
04/2014: Godzilla Rulers of The Earth #11 - 6,917 (+3.6%)

Another slight increase as the film arrives.

247. Zero (Image)

09/2013: Zero #1 - 20,352
10/2013: Zero #2 - 9,847 (-51.6%)
11/2013: Zero #3 - 8,340 (-15.3%)
12/2013: Zero #4 - 8,046 (-3.5%)
01/2014: Zero #5 - 6,922 (-14.0%)
02/2014: -
03/2014: Zero #6 - 8,081 (+16.7%)
04/2014: Zero #7 - 6,872 (-15.0%)

Losing all of last month’s gains.

249. Ghost (Dark Horse)

12/2013: Ghost #1 - 9,805
01-02/2014: -
03/2014: Ghost #2 - 7,412 (-24.4%)
04/2014: Ghost #3 - 6,826 (-7.9%)

A reasonable third-issue drop.

251. Evil Empire (Boom!)

03/2014: Evil Empire #1 - 9,296
04/2014: Evil Empire #2 - 6,716 (-27.7%)
252, 259. Mega Man (Archie) 

04/2013: Mega Man #24 - 11,173


05/2013: Mega Man #25 - 9,191 (-17.7%)
06/2013: Mega Man #26 - 9,290 (+1.1%)
07/2013: Mega Man #27 - 10,332 (+11.2%)
08/2013: Mega Man #28 - 8,404 (-18.7%)
09/2013: Mega Man #29 - 8,042 (-4.3%)
10/2013: Mega Man #30 - 8,086 (+0.5%)
11/2013: Mega Man #31 - 7,854 (-2.8%)
12/2013: Mega Man #32 - 7,352 (-6.4%)
01/2014: Mega Man #33 - 7,015 (-4.6%)
02/2014: -
03/2014: Mega Man #34 - 6,688 (-4.7%)
04/2014: Mega Man #35 - 6,681 (-0.1%)
04/2014: Mega Man #36 - 6,400 (-4.2%)
253. The Massive (Dark Horse)

04/2013: Massive #11 - 9,661

05/2013: Massive #12 - 9,489 (-1.8%)
06/2013: Massive #13 - 9,371 (-1.2%)
07/2013: Massive #14 - 8,983 (-4.1%)
08/2013: Massive #15 - 8,713 (-3.0%)
09/2013: -
10/2013: Massive #16 - 8,345 (-4.2%)
11/2013: Massive #17 - 7,957 (-4.6%)
12/2013: Massive #18 - 7,770 (-2.3%)
01/2014: Massive #19 - 7,387 (-4.9%)
02/2014: Massive #20 - 6,976 (-5.6%)
03/2014: Massive #21 - 6,841 (-1.9%)
04/2014: Massive #22 - 6,650 (-2.8%)
254. Rover Red Charlie (Avatar)

12/2013: Rover Red Charlie #1 - 9,327
01/2014: Rover Red Charlie #2 - 6,744 (-27.7%)
02/2014: Rover Red Charlie #3 - 6,770 (+0.4%)
03/2014: Rover Red Charlie #4 - 6,793 (+0.3%)
04/2014: Rover Red Charlie #5 - 6,633 (-2.4%)
255. Regular Show (Boom!)

05/2013: Regular Show #1 - 38,466
06/2013: Regular Show #2 - 19,507 (-49.3%)
07/2013: -
08/2013: Regular Show #3 - 16,000 (-18.0%)
09/2013: -
10/2013: Regular Show #4 - 15,269 (-4.6%)
11/2013: Regular Show #5 - 12,677 (-17.0%)
11/2013: Regular Show #6 - 11,213 (-11.6%)
12/2013: Regular Show #7 - 10,733 (-4.2%)
01/2014: Regular Show #8 - 9,201 (-14.3%)
02/2014: Regular Show #9 - 8,554 (-7.0%)
02/2014: Regular Show #10 - 7,623 (-10.9%)
03/2014: Regular Show #11 - 7,084 (-7.1%)
04/2014: Regular Show #12 - 6,540 (-7.7%)
256. Six Million Dollar Man Se6 (Dynamite)

03/2014: $6,000,000 Man S6 #1 - 11,493
04/2014: $6,000,000 Man S6 #2 - 6,531 (43.2%)
258. Clockwork Angels (Boom!)

03/2013: Clockwork Angels #1 - 11,602
04/2013: Clockwork Angels #2 - 6,452 (-44.4%)
261. GI Joe (IDW)

04/2013: GI Joe Vol 3 #3 - 10,372


05/2013: GI Joe Vol 3 #4 - 9,881 (-4.7%)
06/2013: GI Joe Vol 3 #5 - 10,866 (+10.0%)
07/2013: GI Joe Vol 3 #6 - 9,106 (-16.2%)
08/2013: GI Joe Vol 3 #7 - 8,644 (-5.1%)
09/2013: GI Joe Vol 3 #8 - 8,266 (-4.4%)
10/2013: GI Joe Vol 3 #9 - 8,099 (-2.0%)
11/2013: GI Joe Vol 3 #10 - 7,765 (-4.1%)
12/2013: GI Joe Vol 3 #11 - 7,395 (-4.8%)
12/2013: GI Joe Vol 3 #12 - 6,982 (-5.6%)
01/2014: -
02/2014: GI Joe Vol 3 #13 - 6,740 (-3.5%)
03/2014: GI Joe Vol 3 #14 - 6,528 (-3.1%)
04/2014: GI Joe Vol 3 #15 - 6,375 (-2.3%)
262. Powerpuff Girls (IDW)

09/2013: Powerpuff Girls #1 - 38,992
10/2013: Powerpuff Girls #2 - 14,749 (-62.2%)
11/2013: Powerpuff Girls #3 - 13,175 (-10.7%)
12/2013: Powerpuff Girls #4 - 10,029 (-23.9%)
01/2014: Powerpuff Girls #5 - 8,050 (-19.7%)
02/2014: Powerpuff Girls #6 - 7,456 (-7.4%)
03/2014: Powerpuff Girls #7 - 6,457 (-13.4%)
04/2014: Powerpuff Girls #8 - 6,282 (-2.7%)
263. Judge Dredd (IDW)

04/2013: Judge Dredd #6 - 10,670


05/2013: Judge Dredd #7 - 10,058 (-5.7%)
06/2013: Judge Dredd #8 - 9,469 (-5.9%)
07/2013: Judge Dredd #9 - 8,959 (-5.4%)
08/2013: Judge Dredd #10 - 8,618 (-3.8%)
09/2013: -
10/2013: Judge Dredd #11 - 8,269 (-4.0%)
10/2013: Judge Dredd #12 - 7,636 (-7.7%)
11/2013: Judge Dredd #13 - 7,999 (+4.7%)
12/2013: Judge Dredd #14 - 7,331 (-8.3%)
01/2014: Judge Dredd #15 - 6,296 (-14.1%)
02/2014: Judge Dredd #16 - 6,456 (-2.5%)
03/2014: Judge Dredd #17 - 6,475 (+0.3%)
04/2014: Judge Dredd #18 - 6,274 (-3.1%)
264, 271, 272, 289. Image Firsts (Image)

05/2013: Image Firsts Peter Panzerfaust #1 - 8,756
05/2013: Image Firsts Invincible #1 - 8,424
04/2014: Image Firsts Sex Criminals #1 - 6,272
04/2014: Image Firsts Black Science #1 - 6,126
04/2014: Image Firsts East of West #1 - 6,109
04/2014: Image Firsts Manifest Destiny #1 - 5,623
265. Spongebob Comics (United Plankton)

04/2013: Spongebob Comics #19 - 6,940


05/2013: Spongebob Comics #20 - 6,926 (-0.2%)
06/2013: Spongebob Comics #21 - 7,043 (+1.7%)
06/2013: Annual Giant Swimtacular #1 - 6,137
07/2013: Spongebob Comics #22 - 7,020 (-0.3%)
08/2013: Spongebob Comics #23 - 7,001 (-0.3%)
09/2013: Spongebob Comics #24 - 6,965 (-0.5%)
10/2013: Spongebob Comics #25 - 7,254 (+4.1%)
11/2013: Spongebob Comics #26 - 6,741 (-7.1%)
12/2013: Spongebob Comics #27 - 6,745 (-0.1%)
01/2014: Spongebob Comics #28 - 6,456 (-4.3%)
02/2014: Spongebob Comics #29 - 6,377 (-1.2%)
03/2014: Spongebob Comics #30 - 6,254 (-1.9%)
04/2014: Spongebob Comics #31 - 6,233 (-0.3%)
266. Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie)

04/2013: Sonic #247 - 9,003


05/2013: Sonic #248 - 12,158 (+35.0%)
05/2013: Sonic #249 - 11,339 (-6.7%)
06/2013: -
07/2013: Sonic #250 - 14,291 (+26.0%)
07/2013: Sonic #251 - 12,782 (-10.6%)
08/2013: -
09/2013: Sonic #252 - 10,968 (-14.2%)
10/2013: Sonic #253 - 10,982 (+0.1%)
10/2013: Sonic #254 - 10,585 (-3.6%)
11/2013: -
12/2013: Sonic #255 - 10,422 (-1.5%)
01/2014: Sonic #256 - 9,840 (-5.6%)
02/2014: Sonic #257 - 9,325 (-5.2%)
03/2014: Sonic #258 - 9,023 (-3.2%)
04/2014: Sonic #259 - 6,228 (-31.0%)
267, 281. Army of Darkness (Dynamite)

10/2013: Ash & The Army of Darkness #1 - 12,620
11/2013: -
12/2013: Ash & The Army of Darkness #2 - 8,223 (-34.8%)
01/2014: Ash & The Army of Darkness #3 - 7,261 (-11.7%)
02/2014: Ash & The Army of Darkness #4 - 6,563 (-9.6%)
03/2014: -
04/2014: Ash & The Army of Darkness #5 - 6,207 (-9.6%)
04/2014: Ash & The Army of Darkness #6 - 5,884 (-5.4%)
268. Ghostbusters (IDW)

04/2013: Ghostbusters #3 - 8,351


05/2013: Ghostbusters #4 - 7,876 (-5.7%)
06/2013: Ghostbusters #5 - 7,620 (-3.2%)
07/2013: Ghostbusters #6 - 7,253 (-4.8%)
09/2013: Ghostbusters #7 - 7,097 (-2.1%)
10/2013: Ghostbusters #8 - 6,875 (-3.1%)
11/2013: Ghostbusters #9 - 6,447 (-6.2%)
11/2013: Ghostbusters #10 - 7,088 (+9.9%)
12/2013: Ghostbusters #11 - 6,059 (-14.5%)
01/2014: Ghostbusters #12 - 5,755 (-5.0%)
02/2014: Ghostbusters #13 - 6,355 (+10.4%)
03/2014: Ghostbusters #14 - 6,065 (-4.6%)
04/2014: Ghostbusters #15 - 6,200 (+2.2%)
269. Apocalypse Al (Image)

02/2014: Apocalypse Al #1 - 14,055
03/2014: Apocalypse Al #2 - 8,000 (-43.1%)
04/2014: Apocalypse Al #3 - 6,156 (-23.1%)
270. Letter 44 (Oni)

10/2013: Letter 44 #1 - ????
11/2013: Letter 44 #2 - 8,352 (+???)
12/2013: -
01/2014: Letter 44 #3 - 7,926 (-5.1%)
02/2014: Letter 44 #4 - 6,945 (-12.4%)
03/2014: Letter 44 #5 - 6,562 (-5.5%)
04/2014: Letter 44 #6 - 6,152 (-6.2%)
273. Tales of Honor (Image)

03/2014: Tales of Honor #1 - 13,827
04/2014: Tales of Honor #2 - 6,067 (-5.6%)
274. Witchblade (Image)

04/2013: Witchblade #165 - 7,262

05/2013: Witchblade #166 - 7,425 (+2.2%)
06/2013: Witchblade #167 - 7,329 (-1.3%)
07/2013: Witchblade #168 - 7,176 (-2.1%)
08/2013: -
09/2013: Witchblade #169 - 7,271 (+1.3%)
10/2013: Witchblade #170 - 7,990 (+9.9%)
11/2013: -
12/2013: Witchblade #171 - 7,263 (-9.1%)
01/2014: Witchblade #172 - 6,221 (-14.3%)
02/2014: -
03/2014: Witchblade #173 - 6,109 (-1.8%)
04/2014: Witchblade #174 - 6,049 (-0.9%)
275. Sheltered (Image)

07/2013: Sheltered #1 - 21,055
08/2013: Sheltered #2 - 9,836 (-53.3%)
09/2013: Sheltered #3 - 9,400 (-4.4%)
10/2013: Sheltered #4 - 8,209 (-12.7%)
11/2013: Sheltered #5 - 7,301 (-11.1%)
12/2013: -
01/2014: Sheltered #6 - 6,739 (-7.7%)
02/2014: Sheltered #7 - 5,939 (-11.9%)
03/2014: -
04/2014: Sheltered #8 - 6,013 (+1.2%)
276. Morning Glories (Image) 

04/2013: Morning Glories #26 - 20,918


05/2013: Morning Glories #27 - 12,861 (-38.5%)
06/2013: Morning Glories #28 - 13,530 (+5.2%)
07/2013: Morning Glories #29 - 10,588 (-21.7%)
08/2013: Morning Glories #30 - 7,883 (-25.5%)
09/2013: Morning Glories #31 - 7,538 (-4.4%)
10/2013: Morning Glories #32 - 7,382 (-2.1%)
10/2013: Morning Glories #33 - 6,997 (-5.2%)
11/2013: Morning Glories #34 - 6,897 (-1.4%)
11/2013: Morning Glories #35 - 6,797 (-1.4%)
12/2013: -
01/2014: Morning Glories #36 - 6,493 (-4.5%)
02/2014: Morning Glories #37 - 6,116 (-5.8%)
03/2014: -
04/2014: Morning Glories #38 - 6,007 (-1.8%)
277. GFT Wonderland TtLG (Zenescope)

05/2013: Down The Rabbit Hole #1 - 9,734
06/2013: Down The Rabbit Hole #2 - 7,115 (-26.9%)
08/2013: Down The Rabbit Hole #3 - 6,187 (-13.0%)
09/2013: Down The Rabbit Hole #4 - 7,299 (+18.0%)
10/2013: Down The Rabbit Hole #5 - 6,718 (-8.0%)
10/2013: Through The Looking Glass #1 - 7,028 (+5.0%)
11/2013: Through The Looking Glass #2 - 6,409 (-8.8%)
11/2013: Through The Looking Glass #3 - 6,059 (-5.5%)
12/2013: Through The Looking Glass #4 - 5,768 (-4.8%)
01/2014: Through The Looking Glass #5 - 5,779 (+0.2%)
02/2014: Clash of Queens #1 - 6,791 (+14.9%)
03/2014: Clash of Queens #2 - 6,083 (-10.4%)
04/2014: Clash of Queens #3 - 5,951 (-2.2%)
278. Grimm Fairy Tales (Zenescope)

04/2013: Grimm Fairy Tales #84 - 6,284 


05/2013: Grimm Fairy Tales #85 - 6,499 (+3.4%)
06/2013: Grimm Fairy Tales #86 - 6,231 (-4.1%)
06/2013: Grimm Fairy TalesAnnual 2013 - 5,396 (-12.1%)
07/2013: Grimm Fairy Tales #87 - 7,201 (+15.6%)
08/2013: Grimm Fairy Tales #88 - 6,023 (-16.4%)
09/2013: Grimm Fairy Tales #89 - 7,423 (+23.2%)
10/2013: Grimm Fairy Tales #90 - 6,779 (-8.7%)
11/2013: Grimm Fairy Tales #91 - 6,697 (-1.2%)
12/2013: Grimm Fairy Tales #92 - 6,262 (-6.5%)
01/2014: Grimm Fairy Tales #93 - 6,362 (+1.6%)
02/2014: Grimm Fairy Tales #94 - 6,175 (-2.9%)
03/2014: Grimm Fairy Tales #95 - 6,036 (-2.3%)
04/2014: Grimm Fairy Tales #96 - 5,928 (-2.3%)
279. TMNT New Animated Adventures (IDW)

07/2013: TMNT New Animated Adventures #1 - 14,397
08/2013: TMNT New Animated Adventures #2 - 10,304 (-28.4%)
09/2013: TMNT New Animated Adventures #3 - 8,744 (-15.1%)
10/2013: TMNT New Animated Adventures #4 - 7,905 (-9.6%)
11/2013: TMNT New Animated Adventures #5 - 7,112 (-10.0%)
12/2013: TMNT New Animated Adventures #6 - 6,649 (-6.5%)
01/2014: TMNT New Animated Adventures #7 - 6,331 (-4.8%)
02/2014: TMNT New Animated Adventures #8 - 6,034 (-4.7%)
03/2014: TMNT New Animated Adventures #9 - 6,009 (-0.4%)
04/2014: TMNT New Animated Adventures #10 - 5,911 (-1.6%)
280. Ghosted (Image)

07/2013: Ghosted #1 - 17,782
08/2013: Ghosted #2 - 10,414 (-41.4%)
09/2013: Ghosted #3 - 9,373 (-10.0%)
10/2013: Ghosted #4 - 8,183 (-12.7%)
11/2013: Ghosted #5 - 7,590 (-7.2%)
01/2014: Ghosted #6 - 6,142 (-19.1%)
02/2014: Ghosted #7 - 6,403 (+4.2%)
03/2014: Ghosted #8 - 6,039 (-5.7%)
04/2014: Ghosted #9 - 5,910 (-2.1%)
283. Saviours (Image)

12/2013: Saviours #1 - 17,894
01/2014: Saviours #2 - 8,174 (-54.3%)
03/2014: Saviours #3 - 6,733 (-17.6%)
04/2014: Saviours #4 - 5,865 (-12.9%)
285. Five Ghosts (Image)

03/2013: Five Ghosts Haunting of Fabian Gray #1 - 13,163
04/2013: Five Ghosts Haunting of Fabian Gray #2 - 13,127 (-0.3%)
05/2013: Five Ghosts Haunting of Fabian Gray #3 - 13,153 (+0.3%)
06/2013: Five Ghosts Haunting of Fabian Gray #4 - 11,357 (-13.7%)
07/2013: Five Ghosts Haunting of Fabian Gray #5 - 10,409 (-8.3%)
08-09/2013: -
10/2013: Five Ghosts #6 - 9,399 (-9.7%)
11/2013: Five Ghosts #7 - 8,417 (-10.4%)
12/2013: -
01/2014: Five Ghosts #8 - 6,890 (-18.1%)
02/2014: Five Ghosts #9 - 6,348 (-7.9%)
03/2014: Five Ghosts #10 - 5,881 (-7.4%)
04/2014: Five Ghosts #11 - 5,735 (-2.5%)
286, 288. GI Joe Special Missions (IDW)

04/2013: GI Joe Special Missions #2 - 8,818


05/2013: GI Joe Special Missions #3 - 8,492 (-3.7%)
06/2013: -
07/2013: GI Joe Special Missions #4 - 8,093 (-4.7%)
07/2013: GI Joe Special Missions #5 - 8,004 (-1.1%)
08/2013: GI Joe Special Missions #6 - 7,493 (-6.4%)
09/2013: GI Joe Special Missions #7 - 6,957 (-7.2%)
10/2013: GI Joe Special Missions #8 - 6,798 (-2.3%)
11/2013: GI Joe Special Missions #9 - 6,353 (-6.5%)
12/2013: GI Joe Special Missions #10 - 6,326 (-0.4%)
01/2014: GI Joe Special Missions #11 - 5,973 (-5.6%)
02/2014: GI Joe Special Missions #12 - 5,743 (-3.9%)
03/2014: GI Joe Special Missions #13 - 5,719 (-0.4%)
04/2014: GI Joe Special Missions #14 - 5,644 (-1.3%)
287. Monster & Madman (IDW)

03/2014: Monster & Madman #1 - 7,065
04/2014: Monster & Madman #2 - 5,683 (-19.6%)
290. GFT Helsing (Zenescope)

04/2014: GFT Helsing #1 - 5,327
291. Wonderland Asylum (Zenescope)

04/2013: Madness of Wonderland #3 - 5,825


05/2013: Madness of Wonderland #4 - 5,677 (-2.5%)
01/2014: Wonderland Asylum #1 - 6,632 (+16.8%)
02/2014: Wonderland Asylum #2 - 5,185 (-21.8%)
03/2014: Wonderland Asylum #3 - 5,327 (+2.7%)
04/2014: Wonderland Asylum #4 - 5,585 (+4.8%)
293. Halo Initiation (Dark Horse)

08/2013: Halo Initiation #1 - 12,584
09/2013: Halo Initiation #2 - 8,771 (-30.3%)
10/2013: Halo Initiation #3 - 7,960 (-9.2%)
11/2013: -
12/2013: Halo Escalation #1 - 8,875 (+11.5%)
01/2014: Halo Escalation #2 - 6,656 (-25.0%)
02/2014: Halo Escalation #3 - 5,961 (-10.4%)
03/2014: Halo Escalation #4 - 5,702 (-4.3%)
04/2014: Halo Escalation #5 - 5,550 (-2.7%)
294. Terminator (Dark Horse)

12/2013: Salvation Final Battle #1 - 13,022
12/2013: Salvation Final Battle #2 - 8,087 (-37.9%)
01/2014: -
02/2014: Salvation Final Battle #3 - 6,563 (-18.8%)
03/2014: Salvation Final Battle #4 - 5,945 (-9.4%)
04/2014: Salvation Final Battle #5 - 5,543 (-6.8%)
295. Invincible Universe (Image)

04/2013: Invincible Universe #1 - 14,526


05/2013: Invincible Universe #2 - 11,102 (-23.6%)
06/2013: Invincible Universe #3 - 9,778 (-11.9%)
07/2013: Invincible Universe #4 - 8,856 (-9.4%)
08/2013: Invincible Universe #5 - 8,154 (-7.9%)
09/2013: Invincible Universe #6 - 7,675 (-5.9%)
10/2013: Invincible Universe #7 - 7,233 (-5.8%)
12/2013: Invincible Universe #8 - 6,476 (-10.5%)
01/2014: Invincible Universe #9 - 6,123 (-5.5%)
02/2014: Invincible Universe #10 - 5,803 (-5.2%)
03/2014: Invincible Universe #11 - 5,577 (-3.9%)
04/2014: Invincible Universe #12 - 5,405 (-3.1%)
296. Judge Dredd Mega City Two (IDW)

01/2014: Mega City Two #1 - 6,755
02/2014: Mega City Two #2 - 5,700 (-15.6%)
04/2014: Mega City Two #3 - 5,380 (-5.6%)
297. Maxx Maxximized (IDW)

11/2013: Maxx Maxximised #1 - 9,714
12/2013: Maxx Maxximised #2 - 7,345 (-24.4%)
01/2014: Maxx Maxximised #3 - 6,322 (-13.9%)
02/2014: Maxx Maxximised #4 - 5,943 (-6.0%)
03/2014: -
04/2014: Maxx Maxximised #5 - 5,377 (-9.5%)
298. Peter Panzerfaust (Image)

06/2013: Peter Panzerfaust #11 - 17,683 (+60.9%)
07/2013: Peter Panzerfaust #12 - 9,951 (-43.7%)
08/2013: Peter Panzerfaust #13 - 8,419 (-15.4%)
09/2013: Peter Panzerfaust #14 - 7,714 (-8.4%)
10/2013: Peter Panzerfaust #15 - 10,769 (+39.6%)
01/2014: Peter Panzerfaust #16 - 6,128 (-43.1%)
02/2014: Peter Panzerfaust #17 - 5,598 (-8.6%)
04/2014: Peter Panzerfaust #18 - 5,374 (-4.0%)
300. Wonderland (Zenescope)

04/2013: Wonderland #10 - 6,644


05/2013: Wonderland #11 - 6,342 (+1.2%)
06/2013: Wonderland #12 - 7,765 (+22.4%)
07/2013: Wonderland #13 - 7,253 (-6.6%)
08/2013: -
09/2013: Wonderland #14 - 7,034 (-3.0%)
09/2013: Wonderland #15 - 6,558 (-6.8%)
10/2013: Wonderland #16 - 6,820 (+4.0%)
11/2013: Wonderland #17 - 6,723 (-1.4%)
12/2013: Wonderland #18 - 7,859 (+16.9%)
01/2014: Wonderland #19 - 6,434 (-18.1%)
02/2014: Wonderland #20 - 5,780 (-10.2%)
03/2014: Wonderland #21 - 5,937 (+2.7%)
04/2014: Wonderland #22 - 5,374 (-9.5%)


All figures on this chart are estimates for comics sold by Diamond to direct market retailers. They include reorders that shipped in the same month. Books shipping in the first week of a month will have more time for reorders to appear than ones shipping in the last week of the month, when reorders will slip to the following month.


  1. These numbers generally make me sad, just marking out what my store represents for sales in this industry, and where these books are selling. I mean really, it’s not that hard to sell Image better than the numbers list here. Mind boggling.

  2. Re: RACHEL RISING, if you check one of the sites with the full Diamond 400 chart, you’ll see that #24 shipped across March and April, 3,995 and 3,421 copies respectively. The total 7,416 falls right between the sales for #23 and #25, as you’d expect.

  3. “These numbers generally make me sad, just marking out what my store represents for sales in this industry, and where these books are selling. I mean really, it’s not that hard to sell Image better than the numbers list here. Mind boggling.”

    Is the montly floppy market really important to guys like Image and the rest? Aren’t these just an entrance highways to the trades which have some hope of selling real numbers. Do they even care about these numbers. If so , why support them ? What’s the incentive for someone to pay $3- $4 to follow these books serially. Most of them sound like something in next year’s AMC or Showtime schedule. Especially nowadays when TV shows and comic book movies are doing similar stuff with similar weirdness. I find it hard to buy a monthly comic now… especially with Independent comics scene being stripped down by the gatekeepers in print much like independent movies and now digital comics. It isn’t really a scene anymore. Just extra times at bat for established name creators at big companies who have their projects they want to do ,A lot of them have 3-4 books each in the que, volume enough for them add enough together to keep on top.i,e therefore no outsiders to upset the League of Extraordinary White Men’s hogging of the spotlight despite the low numbers and lack of excitement they bring each month. I still think that digital once it finds distribution network might reinvigorate the scene with fresh voices & visions someday but not the way its set up now, Its going to be a lot of TV pitches till the comics biz folds. At least Marvel books seem to be going south fast, They’ve really blanked out this year. The Eisner Awards will be an excercise in mutual back-patting or something like the BAFTAs. Not a great year for comics.

  4. Love seeing Godzilla numbers come up with the movie, and significantly! That has not happened recently with Dark Knight, Capt. America, Thor, or G.I. Joe…..we’ll have to wait and see on Transformers.

    I’m hoping many are doing what I am with Undertow….waiting for the graphic novel!

  5. Think I spotted a lil’ error!
    “273. Tales of Honor (Image)
    03/2014: Tales of Honor #1 – 13,827
    04/2014: Tales of Honor #2 – 6,067 (-5.6%)”
    That 2nd issue drop should probably be -50.6% right?

    Also, I can’t be the only one dissapointed at seeing Adventure Time’s numbers right? They’ve been steadily slipping for 10 issues now and the new mini-series don’t sell nearly as much as the earlier ones did. Hope these are doing well in trades still, because it’s SUCH an awesome series. I don’t even watch the show and they’re in my personal top 3.

  6. Your comment about Southern Bastards has me wondering. If the book had been picked up by Vertigo would it still have those sales numbers? Or does the name Image automatically result in bigger sales now? (At least for the first issue.)

    Hopefully Valiant will see that they’ve screwed up (and fix) their once great titles. All this creative team shuffling and event after event reminds me of another (cough – Marvel – cough) company and that’s not how you should work if you’re wanting to try doing it differently. They started out amazingly, too. Sigh…

  7. unfortunately, valiant’s doing more of the whole event/multiple covers/gimmicky stuff, now also including soft relaunches designed as mini-series… whatever. i had high hopes once they have somehow established their main properties from the 90s, they would start experimenting a bit and launch new concepts with hot up-and-comers and such. but they seem to copy the marvel way, already prepping their entry into the “cinematic universe”. bummer. would have loved some cutting egde, indie-vibe superhero/supernatural universe, but i’m afraid valiant isn’t it. not giving up on them completely, but not buying a lot of books from them either.

  8. Would’ve loved some commentary as to why The Massive is sliding down the charts so hard. It is a pretty compelling story but how much leash will Dark Horse give it? How are its trade sales?

  9. @johnrobiethecat – If you had bought those “floppies” from Image, you’d have made a small mint reselling them on the secondary market like I did. You should look up what the first issues of Saga, Peter Panzerfaust, East of West, Manhattan Projects, Black Science, Manifest Destiny, Thief of Thieves, not to mention issues of the Walking Dead over they last 3 years. Even books like Southern Bastards and Nailbiter are getting x4 cover price. Some do read better in a collected trade, this is a truism. But just considering return on investment, these are good buys.

    Regardless of resale value, all of the high concept stories are being published by these indie companies. Interesting stories, unexplored concepts, unbridled violence and imagination. Image has been destroying Marvel and DC with respect to content for several years now. And if you review their rise in marketshare over that time period you’ll see how they’ve dramatically increased. My personal pull list at the LCS has a ton of indies and a lot of DC and Marvel scratched out.

    Re: The Massive, I agree. The premise was much like Battlestar Galactica in that the search was a theme, not a plot point. It was slow and may read better in trades. Someone did rip it off and is making a teevee show about it, so there’s that.

  10. Christopher, the Massive is slated to end around issue #30, so it can have 5 or 6 trades and be done. Got a feeling both it and Mind MGMT are on some kind of deal that leave them more rope, being kind of author-driven stories, or they must do well in trades. Wood’s DMZ and Northlanders tend to live on shelves in regular bookstores with graphic novel sections too. Mind MGMT is also aiming for a similar run it feels like; the solicit for #24 mentions it setting the stage for the final 2 arcs. So probably something like 30-36 issues?

  11. @johnrobiethecat… First of all, I believe one should only pay if you feel you’re getting good entertainment value. If it’s worth $3 to read (and hopefully re-read or pass along to another comics fan), then the creators have earned your support and everyone wins. Regarding single issue sales: they are incredibly important to a lot of Image creators. On Rocket Girl, it’s by far the biggest chunk (of course, we don’t have a tpb yet). And every reader counts. A few thousand copies can make or break a series. If Rocket Girl dips into the 8000s, we’ll start thinking about when to wrap it up. If it stays above 12,000 we can do it forever. At 12,000 copies I can make as much writing Rocket Girl as Hulk; Amy Reeder can make as much penciling/inking/coloring as she would on Batwoman. 8000 vs 12,000 is a significant difference in percentage, but it’s not a huge amount of readers. A lot of Image creators are in the same boat, albeit their individual line might be a bit higher or lower. Certainly collected editions and digital and ancillary media/merchandise contribute as well. But a lot of making creator-owned work is down to financing: and single issues have the biggest impact on cash flow–and the only impact on cash flow for almost a full year when you take into account early production to ‘get ahead’ as well as solicitation. Also: your comment forgets artists, who are forgotten way to much nowadays. A writer can maybe juggle 4 simultaneous projects, but an artist can do just one book at a time. It is much harder for an artist to make the plunge into creator-owned–so consider that when choosing what to support.

  12. Thanks to Brandon Montclare for the financial info about a “cutoff” limit at Image Comics. So if you can’t sell 8000 units, you aren’t making any money, good to know.

    And JohnRobieCat, why even come to this thread to bash if you believe indie titles are just hackoff’s of tv shows on some cable network?

    I’ve not read Rocket Girl yet, but I am super enjoying, Caliban, Lazarus and Veil. I’ve also learned my lesson to never read a Rick Remender book again. He’s a great concept guy, but his storytelling skills, his pacing sucks. Black Science, Deadly Class, hugely disappointing.

  13. Brandon – Cheers very much for the he breakdown, it gives a lot of perspective on the economics for these titles. Thoroughly enjoying the book too!

    Steve – Don’t forget a book like Rocket Girl has multiple creators to split the profit, Dragon mostly just has Larsen. Similarly for the likes of Terry Moore and Jim Balent.

    Thanks also to Sales Chart Blog and Total Snorefest for their posts!

  14. As a partner of Image, doesn’t Larsen share in the profit from publishing?

    (Correct me if I’m wrong on the following:)
    Image charges upfront.
    You pay to have your book distributed by Image (if they feel it is worthwhile).
    If you make that money back, then you continue publishing.
    If it makes a lot of money, then they offer you a partnership to keep you from taking your property to a better publisher.

  15. (sorry guys, missed these posts over the last few days)

    “And JohnRobieCat, why even come to this thread to bash if you believe indie titles are just hackoff’s of tv shows on some cable network?”

    Because a lot of them seem to be that way. Most of the independent comics not seem to be like a horror -try-out farm team for potential cable shows, like 75% of Independent comics medium has turned into the Walking Dead gold rush. If cable, TV and movies ae full of these stories, why think that comics needs more of them. Something easy about it I guess.

    I like the idea of independent comics so that’s why I comment here but I wish it was spearheaded by something other than that the side project of Marvel/DC creators or storyboard version of video games. You won’t find me on Marvel & DC boards much these days because nothing interesting is going on there, even jokes aren’t fun anymore.

  16. “Regarding single issue sales: they are incredibly important to a lot of Image creators. On Rocket Girl, it’s by far the biggest chunk (of course, we don’t have a tpb yet). And every reader counts. A few thousand copies can make or break a series. If Rocket Girl dips into the 8000s, we’ll start thinking about when to wrap it up. If it stays above 12,000 we can do it forever. At 12,000 copies I can make as much writing Rocket Girl as Hulk; Amy Reeder can make as much penciling/inking/coloring as she would on Batwoman. 8000 vs 12,000 is a significant difference in percentage, but it’s not a huge amount of readers. A lot of Image creators are in the same boat, albeit their individual line might be a bit higher or lower. Certainly collected e”ditions and digital and ancillary media/merchandise contribute as well.”

    @Brandon…From what I’m seeing, I don’t know if your argument is to support the independent artist so they don’t have to work for Marvel (as much) again or if it’s a strange sense of entitlement. If you or your artist can go back to writing-drawing Hulk or Batwoman and from what KickStarter says, you got almost 40k to fund the RocketGirl project along with being published by Image. Though you don’t have a trade paperback yet, its looks like it’ll surely have one down the line. I don’t see the losses. If the book doesn’t go over 8000k-12000k, isn’t that the comic book store ordering or readers not following the book as much because they aren’t as much into into the serial story (believe it or not, it happened with me with Saga, avert your arrows please..). To understand the economics from your point of view helps. A lot of Image books are dictated by Eric Stephenson’s personal taste and select group of creators he chooses from (which he himself basically confirmed). It not an all out indepedent scene. Its kind of the same people in Independents as Marvel & DC. Not all readers will jibe with aesthetic of Nowhere Men across most of the books, sorry.

    But I’m sure you’ll at least break even and profit from the project especially with the booster rockets of Image, Kickstarter and other avenues you mentioned. But for the floppies, the readers are catching on. Those who collect month to month have more of a fix and floppie prices are getting higher. It’s just not sustainable. You could say support the arts but they look well supported already. I haven’t read your book but I’ve seen the covers, your artist looks first-rate. Whatever its fate, it’ll be a soft landing I’m sure. But the store owners who comment here probably could assess its situation better than I can, why mid-selling titles stay above the fold and others have to wrap up if they can’t keep certain numbers. But a full time living from one book isn’t a common prize but hope it works out that way for those who try.

  17. I’d like to add my thoughts to what Brandon Montclare said. For New Paradigm if we could have hit 10K sales of Watson and Holmes, we could have kept it in floppies.(We still may eventually bring it back in specials or limited series). However with our upcoming Kickstarter we are looking to fund the rest of Volume 2 that was started. With our smaller audience, this is possible to do. In terms of our property being optioned, its still a bit away, and we don’t see the “big bucks” till its made. The advantage of going to Image is that they get FOC. Its actually worthwhile to go have your book carried by Image and paying their fee versus doing it yourself. If I recall Image’s fee is about 1500 or so. But it means that your book can get Final Onsale Cutoff, 3 weeks before the book is on the stands. Because we arent a “premiere” publisher with diamond, our FInal cutoff is 8 weeks before hitting the racks. We were pounding the pavement to get any word out to the major news sites. We were already getting pre-orders for #2 by the time 1 hit the stands. We couldn’t get any publicity of our title from the big comic sites till 1 week of issue #2 hitting the stands! It was too late to get those final adjustments to really get the book on track. Having that 3 weeks means you can grab more sales. Also having the Image logo makes it more likely CBR, Newsarama, The Beat, and Other bigger comic sites will cover your book and review early and often. Right now it is a “Popularity Contest” with what Marvel-DC creators are doing for Mainstream or their “Creator Owned” work. As long as these sites just promote them, and shops only carry who they recognize, the independant comics market will stagnate and possibly wither. Its also hard if you aren’t published by a First-Second or Top Shelf that has stronger ties to the book industry, and they also get large library orders. I do think this is a bigger problem of marketing and publicity for creators and small publishers.There are people out there who would buy the books(whether its floppy or trade) just getting the word out to them is the hard part.

  18. The Beat would – and will – happily spotlight work like Watson and Holmes. We just have to hear about it from someone, is all. If you try for a website like The Beat, CBR etc and don’t get anywhere from their public email, try and track down a specific writer for the site (like me) on Twitter, and ask there about press releases. That can often get you a better result than sending the email to the general site email, which will receive hundreds of press releases a day.

  19. @johnrobiethecat: I believe Montclare wasn’t necessarily arguing about supporting indie creators, but answering your question about why the monthlies are important.

  20. I’d like to point out that Image charges nothing “upfront.” They take their set fee off the back end. And no partner makes any money on any book but his own. The Image fee goes to paying the Image staff, office space, etc. The Walking Dead is making Robert Kirkman rich, not any of the other Image partners.

  21. It’s worth mentioning that it takes a while to get paid for trades, too. For instance, I have a new book starting in July. The earliest we will see money from trades IF we see money from trades, is September 2015. As in fifteen months from now.

    So yeah, if you want to see indie books continue, then singles matter. You’re by no means obligated to buy them, but if you like a book, you better hope that other people DO buy the singles.

  22. @Brandon – I was one of those who was only clued in on Watson and Holmes after issue 2 came out. I was able to drive 30 miles to get issue #1 and #2 and loved it (none of hte local shops ordered it!). I put it on my pull list and then the person at the store never bothered to put in an order or request a special order or anything. It must be really frustrating to have a title that would be a hit if it received the same pub as other titles.

    At least you are getting somewhere with it now. Kudos!

  23. “@johnrobiethecat: I believe Montclare wasn’t necessarily arguing about supporting indie creators, but answering your question about why the monthlies are important.”

    @matt…Yes, thanks.

    I saw his select excerpts from the comments reblogged/favorited on Tumblr by a lot of creators over 800 times, even by Image Comics (that was weird but now I see why they encourage this outlook) I can appreciate it was a nuanced description on what the difference of a few thousand books can do to the lifespan of a title and how that affects the juggling act of the economics of it all. But he didn’t really address that the singles/floppies(in print) is a fast becoming a dated business model and if you have to keep the numbers high like that month to month, at that volume maybe just 5 indie books are going to sustain that in the print world every year. It won’t be from the public interest with all the media that’s out there or against swath of books Marvel and DC can just crowd the comic shop with on any given Wednesday, regardless of their quality. That’s not a healthy independent scene and things will stay as is with no spontaneity or non-industry pros entering in. Instead of forcing this to work, creators might be better off getting a working digital network of selling their books going (something that’s not Comixology, MonkeyBrain, Thrillbent etc) so people can get paid as their doing work and widen the options. They just don’t do that at an influential level. They want Diamond/Comixology system to work instead and support your local comic shop is the mantra. Volume like that to sell books does not look very likely for most independents in the coming years. Followings on Tumblr & Twitter should be used more wisely rather than reblogging Image’s take on the world.

    Also with comics, you never know when going to end, Till the title loses interest or a few trades are constructed. So the idea of reading something serially and indefinitely becomes an issue. At $3-$5 per issue from a consumer point of view, it becomes similar to what’s happening with Uber and the European(& American) taxi drivers now. Do you keep paying high fares to a tradition to keep their livelihoods going even though they had to train and play by the rules while keeping the fares high or do you go with the latest & greatest ways to save money to get where your going (or read at a value) which looks like its happening. Trade waiting or going to the library is an established consumer option that will be taken like the Uber car instead of the taxi with the fares and the atitude. High profile creators have the funds to wait it out, the month-to-month regular guys will have to sweat out the hard way in that system and if they get one, pray their trade does well and year plus from now. That why I say use these forums and conversations to hammer out better economics like good small businessman, not fly the Dark Horse/Image flag because it wins points with your peers and players.
    Tumble that.

  24. @johnrobiethecat – I appreciate that you took a closer look at the whole comment. As Matt Rower noted, I was responding (and casually, at that) with an insider’s (subjective) perspective on the importance of single issues. In all honesty, I think my comment supports the last sentence of your most recent post: it’s information being shared. I was buying and selling comics at local conventions in 7th Grade. As a teenager I bought into a LCS that was going-out-of-business and became a Top 100 Diamond account. I worked in editorial at ToykoPop, DC, and Vertigo. And while I haven’t written much yet, I’ve scripted books at Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, and others. I’ve got more than 20 years experience, and still consider myself at least young at heart. There is no creative position in this industry that is not without it’s challenges. Image has been the very best professional relationship I’ve ever had. It’s not perfect, but it’s likewise the best for a lot of talent,–as evidenced by the creators they’ve attracted for not just the past two, but twenty-two years. I love Image. I love Kickstarter. I don’t think it’s much of a secret that Image isn’t so fond of Kickstarter. You make your own path and find what works for you. Often, it works in some fashion for others as well. You’re right now having the discussion you want. Singles issues have issues–no doubt. But they are currently, by and large, the most important channel for many (most?) publishing endeavors. I love DC also. And take my word for it, despite monthly sales of single issues that put Marvel on top every month for 20 years, DC is the force that dictates the direction of comics (print/publishing–not broader media). They are a juggernaut, and it’s not easy to steer the Titanic. DC has some brilliant, creative minds–but they couldn’t change the production cycle of single issues if they wanted to. It is not within their ability. If single issues failed, DC would fail before it could adjust course. I have doubts to whether they’d even try on the publishing level. And as DC goes, so does Marvel. And all of the Direct Market. So for substantial change to occur in the production of “mainstream” comics, it would have to be an enormously slow process. But I love change too! It can happen, but it starts with an understanding of the fundamental realities of this business–one of those is the impact of single issue sales.

  25. “04/2014: Starlight #2 – 22,305 (-34.5%)

    A slightly high second-issue drop, taking it way below any of his other current series, by some 12-15,000 copies. It’s good though.”

    Who is ‘he’? Millar? Whedon? Faulkner?

  26. @brandonmontclare
    Well explained. The math of this business is rather intriguing to many of us who aren’t in it. All these forces are colliding while the single issues seem to be in some kind of freeze frame in the Monthly independent numbers. it’s like a business mystery which by your experience and commentary, you have a lot of insight into and have been fleshing out what happens in the middle area for us. I hear some independents on podcasts and other places say it’s never been better even at mid levels , that Marvel & Dc is low pay in comparison and others say the day job keeps them going and paying the team is a tough burden to bear so it leaves the consumer/fan a bit confused support-wise. I’ve been a hard critic on Image but the Image story in print is starting to sound like a consistent one from the loyalty they inspire and happiness of creators with the deal they offer. Yet Singles keep creeping up in price in what looks to be 3.99 and counting. if DC ever folds then the direct market goes with it. is that possible, wow. though looking from the outside, comics are the last hand, go-to franchises for movie studios who own them since film is now generally infantile compared to what TV is putting out weekly and the public is loving it. Even a guy like me who doesn’t watch TV is aware of that trend.

    DIGITAL comics seems like the only option for other independents outside the select Image sphere. it sound great if you get Image or Kickstarter support but it’d be nice if there were some penny stock market for others to go to get going and not just be portfolio areas because of high payment thresholds designed to keep the creators broke and unpaid (looking at you Comixology) Image may be cool to those it lets in but we know that some companies in this industry are beyond unscrupulous to the small creators ( see Graphicly) and others the jury is still is out on but looking bad (Comixology/Amazon)

    I guess time will tell soon with singles,these high prices will test the singles future in print. The big two are leading the charge in testing the threshold of what people will pay. speculating that if the direct market ever goes because of the collapse of the single, Digital seems to be the fallback for everybody creatively involved in whatever form it takes, though may be not preferred by the higher rollers but it’s something. I know myself it’s a space issue, they are hard to store as most of us live in smaller and smaller spaces with higher and higher rents. I don’t really see a nostalgia or support the artist groundswell to collect the actual comics growing as a trend ever to change that. It could be the most deciding factor on fate of singles in the end.

  27. @shingekinokyojin I disagree. Transformers: Age of Extinction was a huge ton of fun to watch. The fact that it made over a billion dollars was proof that so many people still enjoyed watching it. Despite it being “mindless action”, that is.

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