By Steve Morris
Currently under way despite Nevada’s attempt to suck the entirety of comics inside Las Vegas, The Morley Literature Festival is yet another sign that when it comes to comics, Leeds is the place to be.
Now in their seventh year, this year the festival sees British faces like Stuart Maconie (first time he’s ever been brought up on the Beat, Heidi?), Stephen Waterhouse, Al Kennedy and Peter Hook (yes, my old bandmate from New Order) attending for a range of panels and discussions in Morley, West Yorkshire. You can find more details about the festival as a whole on their website.
But this year the festival will also be spotlighting comics and the superhero, as next Saturday will see the ‘Science and Superheroes’ section of the event. In attendance will be David Hine, Adam Christopher, Samit Basu and Justina Robson, who’ll all be talking about the role of science fiction in the growth of the superhero as a concept and as a medium. Curated by Mark E. Johnson, the event will take place next weekend, in, well, Morley! See you there, perhaps?
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