Lars Vilks, the man at the center of the Swedish cartoon controversy defends his deliberately provoking Mohammed cartoon

Vilks, who has been a controversial artist for more than three decades in Sweden, says his drawing was a calculated move, and he wanted it to elicit a reaction.

“That’s a way of expressing things. If you don’t like it, don’t look at it. And if you look at it, don’t take it too seriously. No harm done, really,” he says. When it’s suggested that might prove an arrogant — if not insulting — way to engage Muslims, he is unrelenting, even defiant.

In a only-vaguely comic book related story, an appeals court has denied Peter Paul’s attempt to sue Hilary Clinton:

An appellate court on Tuesday denied a motion to reinstate Sen. Hillary Clinton as a defendant in a lawsuit that claims she, former President Clinton and others induced a former supporter to finance a 2000 fundraising gala.

The 2nd District Court of Appeal upheld a lower court’s decision to remove the New York senator and Democratic presidential candidate from a lawsuit filed by Peter Paul. The three-judge panel also said Clinton can recoup legal costs.

This story is pretty hard to follow and we only mention it because Paul was running Stan Lee Media at the time, and a story that involves political skullduggery, a busted dot com and Stan Lee never loses its appeal.


  1. You have missed the real comic book news related to Peter Paul, Stan Lee and Marvel- look at the law suits pending against Stan, his new company POW! and Marvel brought by Stan Lee Media which is alive under the direction of Wall Street Whistleblower Jim Nesfield- and the biggest story in comicdom- the ownership of 50% of Spider Man and Stan’s name- will present itself!