Announced today in The Hollywood Reporter, Joe Casey and Nick Dragotta are pairing back up again for an upcoming series through Image entitled All-America Comix. The series will focus on the young America Vazquez, a star-spangled clad hero who happens to bear a pretty strong resemblance to another character that Casey and Dragotta co-created in 2011.
Here’s how the series is described:
“You wanted it! You got it! She is a hero for our time — and the time is NOW! A superpowered champion of the oppressed, AMERICA VASQUEZ is the one you’ve been waiting for! And this may be her greatest adventure of all. When she is confronted with the hidden secrets of the universe, you won’t believe the cosmic truth she uncovers! Issue #1 hits — and we do mean HITS — in 2017 from Image Comics!”
The surface-similarities between the new Vazquez and the popular America Chavez, whom Casey and Dragotta created in the Vengeance mini-series for Marvel (and hit perhaps even bigger heights in popularity after becoming a member of the Gillen-McKelvie-Wilson Young Avengers), are worth noting. Many fans of the America Chavez character have clamored for her to receive her own series at Marvel and the initial promo text above plays right into that hunger, along with perhaps a poke at Marvel Now?
This new series from a premiere creative team could be a wild hit given the void it seems to be aiming for, though additionally it could be raising some other, more pertinent questions regarding intellectual property and character analogues. This will be interesting to watch.
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