Grant Morrison loves a good tease, and they’ve just begun to tease the impending arrival of their latest project with Liam Sharp, Eden’s End. The title, coming sometime in Spring 2023, will be released under the ‘Xanaduum Presents’ banner, named after Morrison’s Substack newsletter.
Morrison described Eden’s End as “a massive, primordial tale of inhuman science, subhuman horror, and superhuman savagery – a story of War, Betrayal, Rise and Fall, Blood and Bullshit!” It’s unclear whether the story will be posted solely through the Substack or published in a print form, but they ensured that details are incoming.
They also teased that each chapter would have a different style. “Each of our Xanaduum Presents stories will be in a different style and each upends or tries to play some new games with a different genre. If you read any of our Green Lantern run together, you’ll be familiar with Liam’s outrageous range and talent. I couldn’t have asked for a better co-conspirator on this venture.”
Morrison and Sharp previously worked together on The Green Lantern, a multi-year epic starring Hal Jordan that gave shades of the Bronze Age and the bizarre, out-of-this-world ideas Morrison is famous for. The two also crossed paths in their time working on 2000 AD, the incredibly impactful British sci-fi anthology, but never really teamed up until Green Lantern Season One in 2018.
While Morrison didn’t reveal much (at least to free subscribers) they did include this tasty art and a promise of a return to some of the trippy world building of their best known work.
For more updates, follow Morrison’s excellent newsletter, where they present brand-new mixed media stories, annotations on past work (with fascinating reflections on, among other things, Multiversity and their Superman and the Authority), artifacts from their well-lived past, and much more. The Beat will keep following the story as we learn more about further projects from Xanaduum.