Neil Gaiman explains what we knew all along: that Joel Schumacher expressing an interest in Sandman is about as meaningful as The Beat expressing an interest in French rugby players.

I remember about eight years ago the then Warner Brothers co-studio head Billy Gerber told me that he got weekly calls from people who wanted to make, direct or star in a Sandman film. “On Wednesday,” he said, “Michael Jackson called about it.” Given the comments some months ago from Alan Horn and Jeff Robinoff, who now run Warner Brothers, I don’t believe the calls from people who want to make Sandman have decreased in the last eight years — quite the reverse. Which I mention because I got a small deluge of letters from people asking me what I thought about Joel Shumacher saying in an interview that he’d love to direct a Sandman film and wondering if that meant that it was now about to happen, and of course it doesn’t and it isn’t. It simply puts Mr Schumacher in a very long line of people who want to make Sandman, some way ahead of Michael Jackson.

In other words, this is just a bad Dream, a bad, bad Dream.
Meanwhile, this site provides a history of Neil Gaiman’s hair along with proof that in the past, people just didn’t worry that much about second hand smoke.

[h/t Journalista]