Dan DiDio revealed in the “DC Nation” portion of this week’s DC All Access video that award-winning writer G. Willow Wilson will be the new regular series writer on Wonder Woman. Wilson will team with artist Cary Nord following Steve Orlando’s forthcoming guest-arc. In the video, DiDio says that Wilson will be expanding on the concepts and ideas that initial Rebirth Wonder Woman writer Greg Rucka introduced in his year-long run on the series. The creative team’s first story will be titled “The Just War,” and will feature Wonder Woman facing off again with Ares while attempting to rescue a missing Steve Trevor.
This will be the highest profile gig yet for G. Willow Wilson, who already has a devoted fan following as the co-creator of Ms. Marvel Kamala Khan. Wilson has displayed a keen ability to weave cultural themes and characteristics into her writing, which she will hopefully get a chance to do with Diana’s Themysciran heritage and the mythological elements of the character.
Check out the full DC All Access video below – the announcement comes at around the 6:30 mark – as well as the official press from the publisher. G. Willow Wilson and Cary Nord’s Wonder Woman run begins in November.
(BURBANK, CA, July 11, 2018) – Following DC publisher Dan DiDio’s surprise reveal on today’s episode of DC All Access, celebrated writer G. Willow Wilson will be bringing her incredible storytelling skills to the shores of Themyscira as the new writer of WONDER WOMAN, beginning in November.
Wilson has won several prestigious literary awards, including the Hugo Award for Best Graphic Story in 2015 and the Dwayne McDuffie Award for Diversity in 2016 for the Muslim-American character Kamala Khan, a.k.a. Ms. Marvel. Wilson is also no stranger to DC, having previously written SUPERMAN, VIXEN and THE OUTSIDERS, as well as DC Vertigo titles CAIRO and AIR. She takes over the ongoing adventures of the Amazon Warrior this November with her debut story arc, “The Just War.”
“I’m delighted to be writing such an iconic character as Wonder Woman and to be working with DC once again,” said Wilson. “With more than 75 years of history, Wonder Woman has a wealth of backstory and drama to draw from, and I look forward to putting a spin on Diana and her supporting cast that’s both new, yet familiar. It’ll be a challenge to do her justice, but I like a challenge and can’t wait to get started.”
Joining Wilson on art duties for “The Just War” will be Cary Nord, who recently launched THE UNEXPECTED (with co-artist Ryan Sook) as part of The New Age of DC Heroes. Nord is also known for his acclaimed runs on Dark Horse Comics’ Conan and Valiant Entertainment’s X-O Manowar.
When Steve Trevor’s unit goes missing in an Eastern European country torn by revolution, Wonder Woman immediately flies across the globe to help him—only to slam into the brick wall that is Ares, the God of War, who’s taken a strange interest in this conflict. But why is Ares acting so strange? Has he turned over a new leaf? Does Wonder Woman have a chance to redeem him? And just as important…if Ares has returned to Earth, then what happened to the supposedly unbreachable prison built to contain him—Wonder Woman’s homeland, Themyscira?
“Willow’s return to DC to write WONDER WOMAN is an incredible opportunity for us, and we couldn’t be more excited,” said DiDio. “Keeping our core audience engaged requires having the best storytellers around, and she’s definitely a great addition to our current list of writing talent.”
Part one of “The Just War” begins in WONDER WOMAN issue #58, on sale November 14. For the latest news from DC, download the DC All Access mobile app, available for free on the Apple App Store and Google Play.
About DC Entertainment:
DC Entertainment, home to iconic brands DC (Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, The Flash), DC Vertigo (Sandman, Fables) and MAD, is the creative division charged with strategically integrating across Warner Bros. and WarnerMedia. DC Entertainment works in concert with many key Warner Bros. divisions to unleash its stories and characters across all media, including but not limited to film, television, consumer products, home entertainment and interactive games. Publishing thousands of comic books, graphic novels and magazines each year, DC Entertainment is one of the largest English-language publishers of comics content in the world.
I think I like that Wonder Woman figure by Nord. It’s a bit buxom but no more than some other WW artists. Nord should be good for the action, where breast-size is less prominent. Could be good in a particular way; the figure here certainly has that classic feel. It’s reassuring that Wilson is the writer, and hopefully it’ll be a long and successful run that might survive any artist change. Might be picking up WW again since Rucka.
With Hitch on Hawkman and Nord on WW, this feels like a sibling relation in styles. Certainly not quite house-DC. Interesting
R.I.P. New Age of Heroes. DC can’t seem to pull any name artist off those books fast enough for their liking, even in the middle of issues and contrary to solicitations. The ultimate demise of an “artist-driven” imprint, and not exactly a strategy that engenders much faith in the company as a whole, at least for this reader.
I guess when you’ve got the correct intersectional identity you get to fail upwards into new writing gigs.
Yes R.I.P. New Age of Heroes indeed, but to be fair, these New Age books aren’t exactly setting the Direct Market on fire, and this was fairly obvious from the start. I think Nord’s energies are better spent pulling Wonder Woman out of the the post-Greg Rucka slump, together with Wilson. I mean, talk about dropping the ball!
You don’t create ‘special titles’ with unknown characters for your best artists. You put them on your best books, regardless wether these books are new or ancient characterwise. If you cannot put your best artists on your best books because of some bi-weekly shipping ploy, then be creative about it, just like (yes) Greg Rucka was on Wonder Woman. Two separate artists for two seperate storylines.
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