In a universe where giant mechs known as Giga fought a centuries-long war only to go dormant and become humanity’s habitat and deities combined, engineer Evan Calhoun has tried to survive despite the unexplained chaos. Unfortunately, Evan has been disgraced and accused of murder along the way. In Giga #3, the science fiction tale of skyscraper-sized mechs that house and rule the humans continues as Evan’s oldest friend returns to discover she now has a doppelganger. Read the full synopsis of the new installment from Vault Comics here:
Evan’s oldest friend returns to find the prosthetics she once built transformed into her doppelganger. Mason and the Order of The Red Relay investigate an elephant graveyard of towering Giga remains.
Co-created by writer Alex Paknadel (Empyre: Celestial Messiah, Friendo) and artist John Lê, colors for the issue are by Rosh, letters are from Aditya Bidikar, and designs are by Tim Daniel.
Giga #3 is set to release on Wednesday, March 31. Head to your favorite local comic store to snag your copy of the book.
Ahead of the debut, The Beat received an exclusive and extended preview of the covers and a few interior pages. Check them out before diving into the issue.