Mad Cave Studios has announced the launch of “Transmissions from the Cave,” a weekly stream on Twitch every Wednesday at 11: 00 AM Pacific Time, hosted by Jazzlyn Stone. Today, The Beat is excited to share the lineup for the first month of programming for the latest venture from Mad Cave Studios!

Transmissions from the Cave
Transmissions from the Cave

Transmissions from the Cave Coming Soon 

According to the press release from Mad Cave Studios, which you can read below this article in its entirety, the weekly Transmissions from the Cave broadcast will feature tons of different content, from creator interviews to live drawing sessions to trailer reveals.

Plus, each week, you’ll have the chance to participate in a weekly giveaway, in which you could win amazing swag like original drawings, individual comics and trade paperbacks, and even exclusive variants. Can you afford not to tune in…?

May All-Stars

Transmissions from the Cave
The May lineup for Transmissions from the Cave

The weekly Twitch will launch on May 5th, 2021 with a stream featuring Lorenzo Colangeli and Joe Corallo, who will be interviewed about Becstar.

Then, on May 12th, 2021, Shane Volk and David Hazan will appear to discuss Nottingham.

On May 19th, 2021, Mad Cave Studios cover artist Sweeney Boo will appear on the stream for a live drawing session.

And on May 26th, 2021, editor Chris Sanchez will be appearing on the stream for the They Fell from the Sky interview.

No Rest for Cave Dwellers 

It has been a very busy past year for Mad Cave Studios. At the height of the pandemic, the publisher spearheaded an organized effort to arrange a GoFundMe to support comics retailers struggling due to the fallout from COVID-19. These funds proved to be invaluable to some stores.

And in September 2020, Mad Cave announced Maverick, a YA imprint, to be launched in autumn 2021.

Plus, just last week, it was announced that Mad Cave Studios had been signed by Echo Lake Entertainment, so you may be seeing some of your favorite comics from the publisher appearing on-screen soon.

Will you be checking out the Mad Cave Studios live stream when it premieres on Twitch on May 5th, 2021 at 11:00 AM PDT? Which Mad Cave Studios creators do you hope appear on the June schedule? The Beat wants to know what you think! Give us a shout, either here in the comment section or on social media @comicsbeat!


We are excited to share with you, Mad Cave Studios will be launching a weekly stream on Twitch, Transmissions from the Cave. Be a part of the Madness and dive in with host, Jazzlyn Stone, every Wednesday at 11:00AM PST.

Tune in for live drawings, creator interviews, Q&A’s, exclusive trailer releases, the latest news and more. This month will host special guests including the creators of hit series Nottingham, Shane Volk and David Hazan. As well as creators from Mad Cave Studios new title Becstar, Sweeney Boo of (Rat Queens) and Eat, and Love Yourself as well as Joe Corallo writer of She Said Destroy and Dead Beats: Musical Horror Anthology.

Each stream will also include a weekly giveaway! Each person can participate in the giveaway during the livestream. Prizes will include but not be limited to exclusive variants, original drawings, full collections to Mad Cave series, single issues, trades, and more surprises.

We will air our first stream with writer Joe Corallo and artist Lorenzo Colangeli, May 5th at 11:00AM PST. Grab your clicker, tune in, and dive into
Transmissions from the Cave!

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