Fans are eagerly anticipating the upcoming Batman: Caped Crusader animated series helmed by the legendary Bruce Timm. During DC FanDome, a behind-the-scenes video featuring Producers Timm, J.J. Abrams and Matt Reeves along with Co-Executive Producer James Tucker teased what’s to come in next animated chapter of the Dark Knight. However, it appears that was just the tip of iceberg as according to a THR Exclusive last Friday, acclaimed comics writer Ed Brubaker will serve as the head writer for Caped Crusader.

In a statement to THR, Brubaker revealed how formative Timm’s original Batman: The Animated Series from ’90s was for his Batman work in the early aughts and what to expect from Caped Crusader:

“Here’s something few people know, but the original Batman: The Animated Series was one of the things that made me want to write superhero comics in general, and Batman in particular. If not for what Bruce Timm and all the talented writers and artists did with that show, things like my revamp of Catwoman with Darwyn Cooke (who worked on BTAS) and Gotham Central with Greg Rucka and Michael Lark, would never have happened. So when Bruce Timm offered me the chance to come work on this new reimagining of Batman with him, James Tucker, J.J. Abrams and Matt Reeves, I jumped at it.

Their vision for the show, with a slightly more pulpy take on the character, and a new way of looking at the world of Gotham, set in the past but viewed through a modern lens really sold me, and so far every part of it has been a blast to work on. I can’t wait until the rest of the world can see what we’ve been building the last few months in the writers room. All I can say is, it’s not what anyone is expecting … but in a good way.”

After a critically lauded run on the Captain America title, Brubaker departed work in superhero comics over a decade ago to focus on creator-owned projects. It’s a decision that makes even more sense after the shocking revelation last year that Brubaker makes more residuals for his cameo in the the Winter Soldier film than from actually helping to create the character.

Nevertheless, Brubaker is no stranger to television either, having worked on a number of high-profile projects including the first season of HBO’s Westworld and co-creating the series Too Old to Die Young with Nicolas Winding Refn for Amazon streaming. Caped Crusader will mark Brubaker’s first foray into animation.

In the latest installment of his newsletter, Brubaker also highlighted that his work on Caped Crusader will not impact any of his ongoing comics work:

I got a few concerned emails that this would somehow affect me and Sean’s books or FRIDAY, and like I said, I’ve already been working on the show for months. I wrote most of the THE FADE OUT while I was on staff for WESTWORLD, and KILL OR BE KILLED while I was working for years with Refn on our TV show, and this hasn’t slowed down anything on my comics writing either. So don’t worry, the fifth Reckless book will still be out in October.

The THR article also revealed that the first season will consist of 10 episodes, and offered an exclusive piece of early development art below.

No premiere date has yet been announced for Batman: Caped Crusader. The series is set to enter production soon.