2000AD have sent the news across that they’ve made all 20 volumes of Judge Dredd’s Complete Casefiles available digitally for iPods and iPads and all those other futuristic things you people have. Via their iOS App, readers can now buy and read thirty years of Dredd history.


Each volume is being priced at £9.99/$13.99.

The Casefiles have been going for a long time now, collecting the start of John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra’s character and following across the jump into colour, and subsequent runs from creators like Garth Ennis, Steve Dillon, Brian Bolland and Grant Morrison. So far 20 volumes have been collected and are now available to download, with the 21st volume due in October.

If you’re looking to give Judge Dredd a try, the two recommendations would be either going right from the start – or, if you’d rather start with a bang, volume 5 if the place to go. That’s the volume with The Dark Judges, Brian Bolland, as well as the storylines ‘Block Mania’ and ‘The Apocalypse War’ – two of the most well-regarded Dredd stories.

2000AD also sent along a preview – a walk through Dredd’s history, if you will:




dreddpad1 dreddpad2


  1. Still not on ComiXology though, which means no Guided View which means no sale to me. Sadly – I would love to move my Dredd subs over to digital.

  2. Yeah, still incredibly disappointing not to see 2000AD on Comixology but at least this creates an alternative to the other digital options available until now.

  3. I wouldn’t get too excited about the Kindle version. I bought the Kindle version of volume 5 a couple days ago, and while the stories are good, it is REALLY hard to read. Kindle’s panel-to-panel view is a joke compared to Comixology’s guided view; it frequently cuts off sentences, the degree to which it zooms in on a panel has no relation to how big or dense the panel is, and it clearly has no idea how to handle double-page spreads as it shows panels out of order and weirdly cropped. I wish I had spent a couple more bucks to buy the PDF from 2

  4. thx harold!

    I usually read my Kindle comics on a tablet so I’ve not noticed a problem wtih their panel views, good to know.

  5. I’m irritated that the app inserts itself in my “Newsstand” on the iPad instead of standing alone. Is that normal? I like my iPad, but I’m no expert with its many functions.

    I hope the Dredd Case Files go on sale at some point. They’re too expensive for me to bite right now given that I own a bunch of the material in other formats. While I’m at it, I’d also much prefer they were on Comixology than outside it (YOU TOO, DARK HORSE COMICS).

  6. Drokk it, the kindle versions are $4 cheaper, and they read fine, but volume 06 is unavailable. I am all over the place with this set, i bought 01 as a pdf from the 200AD site, 02 as a hard copy, and 03-05 as kindle books. I don’t like that the 2000AD app nests inside the iBooks app.
    And why is Ron Smith so under appreciated as an iconic Dredd artist?

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