Following the wildly successful Dark Knights: Metal event, which has seen the return of the demonic Barbatos and the reveal of an dark underbelly to the Multiversal map as designed by Grant Morrison and Rian Hughes, Metal scribe Scott Snyder will follow-up this event with a weekly Justice League-based miniseries that will re-team him with James Tynion IV, Josh Williamson and Francis Manapul entitled Justice League: No Justice.
No Justice, which will then launch an entire family of Justice League title in its aftermath, finds Brainiac warning the League about a cosmic threat that is coming for Earth. Unable to topple this new enemy, Brainiac devises a strategy that splits the team into four specialized teams that will defend different alien worlds, with the threat of the entire DC Universe in the balance.
No Justice releases throughout May (the first issue hits retailers on 5/9), and will lead into the above-mentioned line of Justice League titles with the main book written by Snyder, and others written by Tynion, Williamson and other creators to be revealed. No artists have been announced for these new books.
Snyder shared his excitement:
“We thought we knew the entire map of the DC cosmos. We thought we had explored all there was to explore. But now we know that all this time the Multiverse was nothing but a fishbowl, and now we’ve been dumped into the ocean, unleashing terrifying new threats, and wondrous new possibilities. Metal opened up channels of storytelling that Francis, James, Joshua and I are excited to explore in a big way. When we’re finished, fans will never look at the Justice League in the same way again.”
Metal has been a good deal of fun, its core issues particularly, so I look forward to where Snyder and company take this. Though the sad news is that both Christopher Priest and Pete Woods’ Justice League and Steve Orlando’s Justice League of America are both coming to a close. The former is especially bittersweet, as this was the best that title has been in a number of years. But with Justice League as their flagship title, it’s no surprise they’d want their biggest writer overseeing it.
Check out the covers for Justice League: No Justice below:
I wonder which Alan Moore or Neil Gaiman they’ll insert into this in order to keep milking that 30 year old nostalgia money.
I’m happy for those who are enjoying “Metal,” but the issues I’ve skimmed have had nothing I found of interest, so I’ll be passing on this project.
Darkness! No Justice!
Any of these teams could be an interesting read given the right creative team working on it. I do think that in terms of voices mentioned thus far there in Little in the way diversity of writer compared Two the two marvelous voices they are losing to get here. Please note I dig what Scott Snyder and Tynion IV do storytelling wise it’s just that Orlando and Priest are more to my personal taste.
What I can see is that the team parings are kind of chosen to make fans of the teen titans like myself feel the desire to get them. Gar Logan has long been a favorite character of mine from way back in the Wolfman era but I don’t really feel the all testosterone team very much unless Christopher Priest happens to be the writer working on it. Really no one has totally GOT Deathstroke the way he has in more then a decade.
This is all kind of knee jerk reaction ot what is a very vague tease so my opinion may change as more creators ore revealed.
I agree with you, Grey. This seems like an editorial heavy imposition to continue high sales, whereas Priest particularly seemed to be setting up a longer game that hinged around compelling character work. Still, Priest has Deathstroke, and hopefully DC pays attention to this writer that does good work in their playbox
Sorry, wrong word with ‘imposition’. Their business, their choice and switch up.
It seems like a big plan to send the JLA cosmic. Hope one of the bunch of titles doesn’t suck and genetates somethong good.
Weekly comics suck for retailers — no way to get orders correct.
Even replacing 2 bi-weeklies for a weekly is horrific and impossible to order.
“I wonder which Alan Moore or Neil Gaiman they’ll insert into this in order to keep milking that 30 year old nostalgia money.”
You’ll be buying it anyway. Your protestations here are just posturing, since you keep following all the DC news.
Wrong tack on how I’m a hypocrite.
I haven’t bought a Marvel or DC comic in almost 10 years with the exception of two Marvel comics: One a friend worked on and one from Brian Hibbs’s GN of the month club. I just like following industry news.
I do buy all the Valiant comics, which are also mostly fueled by decades old nostalgia, so I’m no better.
I’m just really intrigued by how DC’s publishing plan is putting old Moore and Gaiman characters into everything.
This reminds me of the time Marvel published seven monthly AVENGERS comics (which the market could not support). Not looking forward to this, especially the cancellation of JUSTICE LEAGUE and the weekly schedule.
Oh my god can’t they stop? I swear just give Power Rangers to snyder he seems to love writing Zords so just give one to him and stop giving him Batverse stuff.
I swear between him and James Tynion IV, the Batverse has become a Mary Sue Fest and Metal was exactly like that (also, Code Lyoko was better written).
Francis Manapul is brilliant, love his layouts and his pencilling. So I’m in!
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