DC is bringing back several cult favorite characters back in a big way. In the beginning of 2016, DC will debut eight miniseries meant to enhance the DC Youniverse’s diversity.
Len Wein will be writing a new take on the Metal Men, who were last seen in the pages of Swamp Thing #36. Coincidentally, Wein will also be writing a Swamp Thing minseries as well.
In Katana: Cult of the Kobra, Mike W. Barr will reintroduce Katana and the eponymous Outsider, Kobra, to the DC line. This is the first DC series to feature Katana since the short-lived New 52 title ended publication in February 2014.
Other heroes getting the big boot are Firestorm, being written by Gerry Conway, and Raven, being written by her co-creator and Crisis of Infinite Earths writer Marv Wolfman.
Interestingly and strangely, DC is bringing back the Silver Age toddler miscreants Sugar & Spike. Keith Giffen will take on the task of reinventing the two characters, who were originally portrayed as adventurous kids with the “power” to baby-talk with other infants.
It looks like this new incarnation of the characters won’t be keeping the sense of levity seen above. As Dan DiDio tells USAToday:
“They’re not spoiled kids anymore, but they’re older and they’re operating as private investigators handling problems and mysteries that the superheroes can’t handle themselves.”
Frankly, I have no idea what that actually means for these two.
Finally, Future’s End writer Aaron Lopresti will take on Metamorpho will Sensation Comics: Wonder Woman writer Amy Chu pens Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death.
The announcement article included no information on these titles’ artists, which is disappointing and indicative of the lack of credit that artists continue to receive in comics journalism.
That said, these titles look exciting. Personally, I think that it’s much easier to pick up and stay involved with a tightly plotted six-issue title than it is to keep up with the insane number of stories that ongoings like The Walking Dead have told at this point in their runs. And no, that opinion is not an excuse for Marvel to trick readers again like they did with the false renumberings of Marvel Now and the upcoming All-New, All-Different relaunch.
RE: Lopresti, I kinda like that DC is leaning on their artists to script a bit, last month led to some nice surprises from Patrick Gleason and Bryan Hitch, and JH Williams and Francis Manapul proved to be pretty capable as well doing double-duty. I’m not sure if he’s written anything before this.
That Sugar & Spike reboot doesn’t sound like a very good idea at all.
I would disagree, Rod. That’s actually the one that interests me most. Different strokes and all…..
Based on the creators alone, I’m surprised they didn’t dig up Sheldon Mayer to do Sugar and Spike to give it that “now” feeling AARP members bring to the table.
Katana written by her creator Mike W Barr?!? Yes please!!!! I think that is also Halo in the background too. Or an Aurakle. so Yay!!!
How does bringing back old time comics faves differ from what DC is notorious for doing? That is catering to an aging male fanboy audience? Diversity?!
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