Every now and then, Comixology has a bunch of good sales overlapping at once.  And right now is one of those times.  They want to separate you from your money and they’re offering some lovely carrots to hit the buy button right now.

Some recommendations in order of expiration:

Expiring Monday 11/13:

The key buy from the Dark Horse “Out of the World Sale” is the first 12 issues of The Black Hammer at $0.99 each.  I wasn’t as over the moon as some folks were with the first tpb, but it’s one of the best reviewed indie comics and also one of the best  selling indie comics outside of Image, so if you were curious about it, this is a decent deal for the tale of superheroes in exile.

There are a couple noteworthy things in the “Indie Crime Sale” in a category where a lot of things are flying under the radar.  Watson and Holmes is Sherlock Holmes recast in Harlem.  Yeah, yeah… I know — it’s sounds like a cliche, but it works and its a quality comic.  Rick Leonardi and Larry Stroman on the art doesn’t hurt, either.  Old Wounds is a detective story about a retired vigilante whose associates are turning up dead and at $1.99 is a value buy.

With these Marvel sales, the question is whether you got it cheaper at one of those very regular Kindle sales, but there’s a lot of good material in the “Thor Legacy Sale.”  You can’t go wrong with Thor Visionaries: Walter Simonson V.1-4.  The Mighty Thor by Matt Fraction is a good run.  (Remember when Fraction used to write for Marvel?) Thor Epic Collection: To Wake the Magog is some prime Lee/Kirby.

Expiring on Thursday 11/16

The “Image Crime Sale” is filled with great material.  Southern Bastards by Jason Aaron and Jason Latour is a masterpiece about rural high school football and organized crime.  Read the first two volumes back-to-back for maximum astonishment.  (Trust me on this.)  There’s a lot of great Ed Brubaker/Sean Phillips material here: Fatale and Kill or Be Killed have supernatural elements, The Fade Out is a Hollywood noir, Criminal is crime fiction – all worth your time and your favorite will depend on which flavor clicks with you the most.  Sex Criminals by that Fraction guy and the even more incorrigible Chip Zdarsky is about a couple bank robbers who discover they can stop time when they get it on.  If you fondly remember the old Warren Ellis/Ben Templesmith weird detective comic Fell, have a look at Chocker by Ben McCool and Templesmith.  It will scratch the same itch.

The “Irredeemable / Incorruptible Sale” is the entirety of Mark Waid’s BOOM! superhero work in three omnibuses.  Irredeemable by Waid and Peter Krause is the one to get if you’re choosing.  The elevator pitch would be “what if Superman was psychotic and just snapped?”  It was an Eisner nominee when it came out.  Incorruptible is a spin-off and counterpoint with a villain in that universe attempting to go straight.

The Boys Sale” is the Garth Ennis / (mostly) Darick Robertson series The Boys in 3 omnibuses for $57.97.  This is NOT for children.  The Boys is a hard R, sexually explicit and graphicly violent satire of superheroes that turns surprisingly deep before it concludes.  It’s not for everyone, but if you’re curious about a more Preacher-ish take on superheroes and aren’t offended by that style of humor, it’s worth your time.  Currently being adapted to TV by Amazon and Seth Rogan, IIRC.

Expiring on Monday 11/20

With “The Justice League Part 1 Sale,” you’ll already know if you want the Batman material or not.  The underappreciated jewels here are two Wonder Woman runs – the current run, which is #1-14 by Greg Rucka/Liam Sharp/Nicola Scott and V.1-6 of the 2011 Wonder Woman series by Brian Azzarello/(mostly) Cliff Chiang.  Two takes on the character that go in very, very different directions, but both are excellent.

Lots of good reading material, but be careful: these sales add up when you put everything in the cart at once.


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