ComiXology has just rolled out a beta version of their new storefront. CEO David Steinberger introduces the new version in a blog post:
HTML-based shopping
Simple link sharing
Direct linking to all comics
Gifting a cart (not live yet, but coming!)
Yes, you can use the site on your iPad!
But not to bury the lede here: he also mentioned that comiXology was the #11 grossing app on iPad for 2011.
That’s a strong case “for.”
Also, although they would like to get away from the forbidden Flash interface for their Guided View, it is still the only suitable technology for now.
ComiXology is also having a big holiday sale — pick up something to read while Aunt Leslie’s fruitcake digests.
I love the new interface but durn if they still don’t accept paypal payments.
Is there a reason why PayPal is easier than just registering your credit card at the Comixology website? Genuinely curious.