It was a few years ago that AdHouse Books publisher Chris Pitzer announced AdDistro, a distribution business for small press comics, with books from Nobrow, Koyama Press and Malachi Ward to start. Well, now he’s announced its end, and although that sounds sad, its actually because its so much easier to find books from these publishers now:

Basically, I started AdDistro with the thought that I was bringing hard-to-find biblio goodness to the people. Times have a-changed, and now the once hard-to-find beautiful things are a little easier to obtain.
While there was once a pond that kept Nobrow from us, now you can get their stuff from Consortium. While I was once the go-to place forKoyamaness, I am proud to point you Secret Acres wayOthers have joined forces with others, and honestly, it was a lot of work, at least for lil’ ol’ AdCasa.

Pitzer still has some selected book available, so check out his table at upcoming shows for the goods.

While the end of AdDistro doe seem like another indie distribution group shutting down — joining such beloved and defunct.on hiatus business like Global Hobo, Bodega, and Puppy Toss — it does seem that more indie comics are available in more places than ever before. But that could also be just our own chipper nature. Who’s left? Sparkplug and USS Catastrophe and probably people we’re forgetting. Please add to this list in the comments.