Over at his blog, David Lloyd talks about the coloring on V FOR VENDETTA:

In my view, what had prompted Dick to offer me that choice between colour and b/w from the high position he occupied in a company which was built on colour comics, was the remarkable success of some of the b/w indie books of the time, such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which sold massively despite being in monotone. I thought then that this development in comic-reader habits was a detour, not a new highway, and I was convinced that Vendetta could be coloured appropriately and effectively in its new incarnation. Printing didn’t always do it’s best in representing the skill that Steve Whitaker and Siobhan Dodds – V’s major colourists – applied to the work, but that’s another long story. For those interested, I can tell you that the definitive colour balances in V were applied to the hardback version of the collection in 2006 and are now also seen in the latest softcovers. And, of course, they will appear in the Absolute edition.


  1. While the above piece of art is beautifully colored and V For Vendetta’s coloring wasn’t horrible and I can appreciate David Lloyd’s reasons for deciding on V being in color would give it a larger audience, I still would have loved to own an over-sized edition that was in black and white.

  2. Yeah, while I don’t mind the colour, at least now that it’s been improved from the pitifully printed 1980s version, I was really hoping when I first heard they were doing ABSOLUTE V that it would be a two-volume thing with an edition done in black and white. I’d probably have bought that. Just oversized and with the interstitial pages restored, not so much.