By Steve Morris
Boldly going where no man has gone before, kicking off a Star Wars article with a Star Trek reference, it looks like SDCC announcement fever has already hit America! Before San Diego even begins, Dark Horse have announced that Brian Wood is to be the new writer of a Star Wars series starting next year. Based on George Lucas’ classic Star Wars trilogy (and NONE OF THE OTHER FILMS), the series will feature the classic characters doing classic things. No monkeying around with Gungans this time! Art is by Carlos D’Anda, with covers by Alex Ross.
Covers like this one!
io9 seem to be the ones responsible for breaking this news, and have an interview with Wood up already. And here’s a quote from Wood himself, posted to his tumblr account:
I’m writing an ongoing Star Wars book for Dark Horse. Not just any Star Wars book, this will be called “Star Wars”, and will be set in the original trilogy, using the classic characters, and will pretend like its 1977 and no other films were every made or books ever written aside from “A New Hope”. Carlos D’Anda is on art, Gabe Eltaeb on colors, and Alex Ross on covers. LucasFilm asked for me personally, and I felt it too irresistible a job to pass up. I’m three scripts into it and having fun. The book launches in Dec or January.
Oh yeah, Leia’s an X-Wing pilot.
The series is set to start in January 2013. I hope there’s Ewoks!
I approve of this news.
The interview is with Randy Stradley. Still interesting stuff!
I now have to buy Star Wars comics.
Drool. All I can do is drool.
So this is basically an extension of Dark Horse’s STAR WARS INFINITIES line, but without that name attached. Sounds fun.
Can’t resist this one.
Now, this is a comic and not a movie on paper. This may have something to do with the fact that Brian Wood’s involved. His Conan was also a fresh but faithful approach to a franchise. Judging by the preview, I can assume that I will treated to sensible coloring and cool-looking art. I’m not a Star Wars fan, could never sit through an actual movie, but I could see me giving this as shot.
I will buy this. Not because it’s Star Wars… but because I follow whatever Carlos D’Anda does! I love his work!!!
“So this is basically an extension of Dark Horse’s STAR WARS INFINITIES line, but without that name attached. Sounds fun.”
That’s the impression I got from Wood’s Tumblr comment too, but I don’t believe it’s right. I think he just means the book takes place after the first film and does not rely on any knowledge of the others. Basically, it’s continuity-light.
Any Star Wars comic that disregards the awful prequels is worth a look, in my book…