Following the release of a new teaser trailer during Sunday’s Big Game, Marvel Studios has released new Black Widow character posters for its core cast. On Monday, Twitter also revealed hashtag emojis for Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson), Yelena Belova (Florence Pugh), Melina Vostokoff (Rachel Weisz), and Alexei Shostakov, a.k.a. the Red Guardian (David Harbour). Each emoji was designed by 100% Soft’s Truck Torrence.
New #BlackWidow emojis for @MarvelStudios by me #NatashaRomanoff #YelenaBelova #MelinaVostokoff #RedGuardian
— 100% Soft • ᴗ • (@100soft) February 3, 2020
The four Black Widow character posters show Johansson looking straight at the camera, while Pugh, Weisz, and Harbour look off into the distance. (What are they all looking at? We’ll never know.) Each one makes up a quarter of a whole, with the backgrounds uniting to form Black Widow’s angular red symbol.
Black Widow is slated to hit theaters on May 1, 2020, with a look into Natasha’s past. Merchandise is already available, including toys, and more is sure to come now that Marvel is ramping up publicity for its next release. Check out the Big Game spot below and stay tuned for more on Black Widow.