A series of new DC one-shots and tie-in issues is coming this fall, each featuring a different hero infected by the same chemical madness as The Batman Who Laughs.
These DC one-shots and tie-ins will come out in November and December, the publisher announced Thursday, sharing the plots and creative teams for four of the books. The four known infected heroes (so far) are Shazam!, Supergirl, Hawkman, and Blue Beetle. The one-shots will run parallel to the events of Batman/Superman, from writer Joshua Williamson and artist David Marquez (check out the cover below). In that comic, the titular heroes are facing off against the Batman Who Laughs as he turns other heroes into the worst versions of themselves. They don’t know who’s on their foe’s side, and they also have misgivings about each other. Intrigue, of course, ensues. Meanwhile, the series of new DC one-shots and tie-ins is called The Infected.
The first of these new books is The Infected: King Shazam! #1, which will hit on Nov. 6 from writer Sina Grace (Ice Man, Ghosted in L.A.) and artist Joe Bennett (Immortal Hulk).
The next will be The Infected: Scarab #1, which is coming Nov. 20 from Dennis “Hopeless” Hallum (Sea of Stars, Spider-Woman) and artist Freddie E. Williams II (Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, He-Man/Thundercats).
Both issues feature covers by David Marquez and Dean White. They will also mark DC debuts for writers Grace and Hallum.
DC is billing these two comics like so: “One is a story of a hero whose soul has been turned black and who has something to prove to the old guard, the other a tale of a hero fighting the evil inside him, with his friends and family about to pay the price…and then some.”
There will be two other DC comics with the Infected branding in November as well, both of which will be tie-in issues. The first is Hawkman #18 on Nov. 13 — written by Robert Venditti and illustrated by Pat Olliffe and Tom Palmer. The cover for that one (below) is from Tyler Kirkham.
The second is Supergirl #36 on Nov. 13 — written by Marc Andreyko and illustrated by Eduardo Pansica. The cover for that one (below again) is from Dan Mora.
This is all continuation of a story-line started in writer Scott Snyder and artist Jock’s recently-concluded The Batman Who Laughs mini-series, which itself was a spinoff of the recent event story, Dark Nights: Metal. In all of these stories, threats are bubbling up from the Dark Multiverse, where everything that could be awful is even worse than one might imagine (not unlike the real world in 2019, but hey).
The last two corrupted figures by The Batman Who Laughs will get their own spotlight issues in December, meaning we’ll probably find out their identities at this time next month right before the solicits hit.
Small thing, but it’s “Iceman” not “Ice Man”; one word name.
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