Another must read: Whit Taylor ‘On Being a Black Female “Indie” Cartoonist’
There’s that social context for indie comics I was talking about a while ago. Following a twitter exchange, Ignatz nominee Whit Taylor expands on issues of race in indie comics circles:
I feel slightly uncomfortable talking about my own experiences, because I don’t want to alienate or blame anyone. Indeed my work doesn’t appeal to some people and that’s normal, but I have felt alienated at times due to my race. Sometimes I wonder if people pass my table at a con, size me up and assume that they will not be able to identify with my work or experience because I’m black. Maybe this is ridiculous, but from a life of learning to detect subtle racism, I won’t discount it. Indeed some, OK ALOT, of my work deals with race and I have no qualms about that. But that is not the entirety of what I write or care about when creating a piece. I’m a black cartoonist, but I’m also a cartoonist who happens to be black.
The best part of the story is that Taylor has found a way to make a difference by encouraging readers to check out unfamiliar material. Anyway, just read the wole thing.
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