Comics Alliance has run this amazing infographic by Tim Leong, based on the year’s NY Times graphic novel bestsellers. This is a topic ripe for study since it has contained many, many surprises — like appearances by DAVID B. on the list? Awesome sauce.

What is not a surprise is that WALKING DEAD and SCOTT PILGRIM have dominated the charts for most of 18 months. The future of comics is masterful, multi-volume media tie-ins that speak to contemporary life, it seems.


Oh yeah, this is interesting, as well.

Click on link for MUCH larger version. Study and then report on your findings.


  1. This is exactly what I was talking about with Ike’s budget cutting moves. That’s a pitiful market share and now DC is chipping away at Marvel’s DM share. The book trade is a lot more important than a lot of people realize and Marvel has lost a lot of money trying to crack it.