Acclaimed author Alex Segura, known for noir and crime as seen in The Black Ghost and his novel Secret Identity, will join artist Emiliana Pinna (Red Sonja) for his Dynamite debut in Scarlet Sisters.
Read details here:
“The streets of New York City run red as a mysterious organization strangles its systems, urging Masquerade and the Scarlet Sisters to unite once more, in a thrilling one-shot coming this September from writer Alex Segura.
A cult-like force has infested their city, taking control of both criminal and political power, and the Scarlet Sisters are called upon to solve this twisted puzzle. Joined by their red threads and shared thirst for justice, Masquerade, Lady Satan, and the Woman in Red form a deadly trio of crimefighters and detectives. When one of their own allies is murdered, the case gets all the more muddled.”
“I’ve known [editor] Nate Cosby forever – since we both started in comics – and I’ve always wanted to work with him. His books always feature great characters, strong creative voices, and a level of quality I appreciate. When he asked me about pitching a one-shot in the Dynamite universe featuring the Scarlet Sisters, I was intrigued. Emiliana and I have crafted a street-level, character-driven crime tale that will hopefully leave readers intrigued and eager for more,” says Segura.
Lesley “Leirix” Li, Joseph Michael Linsner, and rising star Jacob Edgar lend their talents to the covers.
Scarlet Sisters will be available for preorder in July. The comic is slated for a September release. It will also be available for individual customer purchase through digital platforms courtesy of Comixology, Kindle, iBooks, Google Play, Dynamite Digital, ComicsPlus, and more.