The world in 2122 is quite different from what we know it to be today…or is it? For Noam Álvaro in The Fever King, being the sole survivor of a magical plague is a lot to put on his already packed shoulders.

Noam and his family had been persecuted by those in control of Carolinia for some time, mainly due to their being undocumented immigrants to the area and the viciousness of the Witchings, Carolinia’s efficient crew tasked with keeping the region free from refugees and anyone in contact with magic. After his father’s death at the hands of the virus, Noam now finds himself alone in a hospital bed, a survivor of the plague and now equipped with abilities that the Carolinian man in charge, Calix Lehrer, is ready to use for his own purposes. With the promise that Lehrer will help him figure out what to do with his abilities, Noam accepts his new position, but not without his own secret plans.

Based on the young adult science fiction novel by Victoria Lee, the Webtoons series features art by Sara Deek (Vermelho), who gorgeously adapts the novel into page after page of eye-catching panels. The color palette alone is enough to keep you enthralled as the complex story unfolds. The tale is timely. Aside from a virus that is putting everyone on edge, the political dynamic and the need for change are points most of us can certainly relate to. I’m sure it’s not an accident that Lehrer’s uniform looks awfully Third Reich.

The Fever King is free to read on Webtoons, with new episodes posting every Sunday. Click here to start reading.

The Fever King