
The SF genre – especially social science fiction – has been well represented in comics of late with works like Tillie Walden’s On a Sunbeam and Sophie Goldstein’s House of Women (coming in a collection this fall from Fantagraphics.)  And those two are jst the tip of the iceberg.

Alexandra Beguez is another cartoonist working in this genre. The New Jersey-based Beguez is yet another talented SVA grad. Only three chapters of The Offering have been posted, alas, but its the start of an intriguing tale about a woman named Maite who works as an engineer the last human colony in a dying universe. Maite is trying to find a cure for the illness that helped wipe out human but clashes with her guardian, Exarch Dian when she forges a bond with the native creatures known as the Uag.

As I said only three chapters but a very promising start. Beguez has a very clean, easy to read style, but throws in enough details of the futuristic setting to add to the world building details.


As you might guess, Beguez has other free comics up on her website including one about Narwhals. In 2014 she won of the first round of Mocca Awards of Excellence for the printed Narwhal leporello.


narwhal-2_1250.jpgThere are several other comics to read up there so, as usual, just poke around. She’s also a talented illustrator with a variety of styles. I think she may be best known for this illo of the X-men and casts though! You can buy it as a print. 


