It would be nice to find a magic box that would grant you every wish. Money, hot boyfriends, a better job, dream vacations… but alas, these things come at a high price as Nina in Nina’s Magic Chest soon finds out.

Created by RD, the Webtoons thriller shows the darker side to getting exactly what you want. While you may land that great job and are now rolling in millions of dollars, there is a definite downside to tipping the natural order scales. 

For someone like Nina, who feels like an utter failure and doesn’t want to crawl back home to her parents, the chest is the answer to all her woes. Her money issues, her inability to hold down a full-time job, and her loneliness can be fixed with just a few wishes. Soon after tapping into the magic of the box, however, she soon finds herself mixed up with strange people, weird events, and darkness she definitely didn’t want in her life. 

The art and color palette are deceiving in this series. It’s bright and colorful, and the chest itself is pink and bejeweled like something I made when I was in fourth grade. It’s actually pretty brilliant. The cotton candy tones, cute faces, and rainbows everywhere deceive the reader as they do Nina in the narrative. It’s so pretty, it can’t be bad, right?

Nina’s Magic Chest updates every Wednesday. Begin reading here

Nina's Magic Chest