Are risographs kill-….oops wrong post. Anyway, the CAF (comic arts festival circuit continues to expand and here’s a new show in New Orleans, called the NOCaZ Festival for “comics and zines” which will be held NOvember 14-15th at the New Orlenas Public Library. According to their mission statement:
NOCAZ is an attempt to make a space for self published artists and thinkers to put their work out in the public sphere and be able to reach other people without the constraints and expense of the commercial publishing industry. Zines are a participatory format and we hope bringing multiple perspectives together under one roof can create dialogue and inspire more people to express themselves through print. We would also like to see more of this D.I.Y. spirit in the world of comics and hopefully make space for sharing knowledge and celebrating work that is existing outside of the tired narratives of mainstream comics and pushing the medium to new limits. And all of this happening at the public library? What a dream! We hope to see you there so please register and make your way to the nearest photocopier.
No tablers announced yet, but they have a Tumblr, a scholarship program, and some reading events seen below. The poster, above, is by Ben Passmore.
AND best of all, they have a forum for ride sharing and couch crashing. EVERY CAF NEEDS THIS.
We’ve heard that NOLa is getting to be a good venue for comics and reading is still big there, and I’m sure this event will have all the charms of New Orleans.