Magicbullet7 cover  1Magic Bullet, the FREE comics newspaper published by the D.C. Conspiracy collective, has a new all ages Halloween themed issue out.

The paper is distributed at coffee shops, record stores, pizza dives, museums and comics shops in D.C., Virginia, Philadelphia and California. Copies will also be availble at the CAB next week.

Adam McGovern writes with ore details:

This is an all-ages issue right in time for Halloween. It’s one big comics section like kids used to remember it, and hundreds were given out at NYCC by editor and contributor Carolyn Belefski and her frequent collaborator Joe Carabeo.

Carolyn & Joe have a clever comic in MAGIC BULLET 7 along with almost 50 indie comic talents including Eric & Sara Gordon, Joe Sutliff, Rob Anderson & Dafu Yu, Art Hondros, Dale Rawlings, Rachel Scheer, Adam McGovern & Diana Leto, and Zarmina Sulaiman & Jacob Warrenfeltz.

Stories include trick-or-treat misadventures, urban legends — the Goat Man! The Slenderman! — and the general mischievous existence of misfit kids who like candy and grow up with comics.

The 48-page, did-we-say-FREE newspaper is black and white with a charming full-color cover by Steve Conley and mystic-squid-themed full-color center spread by Matt Dembicki.

Creators will also be handing out the comic with their candy to kids on Halloween night, and copies can be found at all the locations here:

Contributors will be making some available at Comic Arts Brooklyn on Nov. 9 as well.