Darwyn Meets The Flaming Carrot 2
Via Steve Bunche, who is writing a Dragon*Con report for us which we should have up any minute now.


  1. Winnie The Pooh and the Flaming Carrot embrace during the Starving Artist telethon recently held during the Labor Day weekend at Dragon-Con. Mr. Pooh and Flaming had endured decades of simmering animosity towards each other, triggered when Mr. Carrot ended their successful partnership. Gossip at the time reported Mr. Carrot in a romantic relationship with Bugs Bunny, but both stated publicly at the time that they were “just friends”.

    Captain James T. Kirk, seen in the background, was instrumental in arranging the reunion of these two show biz stalwarts.

    The telethon raised $143.53, three MARTA tokens, and a coverless copy of Spidey Super Stories #53.