Wizard World Portland gets the Time Lord treatment in an exclusive variant cover for the upcoming show in February. It’s a fitting tribute as headlining guests include 11th Doctor Matt Smith, and season 5 regulars Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill and Alex Kingston. From Titan:

Titan Comics and Wizard World Convention are teaming up to bring you an exclusive show variant cover for Doctor Who: Eleventh Doctor comic for their event in Portland on Feb 19-21.
Cover art is by artist Simon Fraser, who will also be attending the show:
http://www.wizardworld.com/simonfraser.htmlMore info about the show here:

Doctor Who: Eleventh Doctor #2.3 Wizard World Comic Con Portland Doctor Who VIP Exclusive Variant Cover by Simon Fraser
Writers: Rob Williams and Si Spurrier
Artist: Simon Fraser
Wizard World Variant Cover: Simon Fraser

The Doctor and Alice have met persistent foes before – but never anything like THE THEN & THE NOW, the group of supremely strange cosmic bounty hunters sent to bring them to justice! It’s getting so they can’t even solve an intergalactic war crime without having to flee for their lives!

Check out the con-exclusive variant cover below:

11D_2.3_Cover_WizardWorld_Simon Fraser