200708210229The Daily Cross Hatch digs into the Ivan Brunetti/Nancy story and gets a vintage slice of Brunetti:

I have never been an artist full-time, not with my own work, or work for hire. I’m just a regular Joe, a full-time office worker, and always have been. Occasionally, I am inexplicably compelled to force myself to draw some emotionally wrenching and painful comics. Once every great while I am also asked to produce a commercial illustration (less personal and gut-wrenching, but just as nerve-wracking in a different way).

Sometimes I also manage to work on some other projects (editing an anthology, putting together an exhibit, writing a book on cartooning, and teaching—all of which I do in addition to my 40-hour a week job). There’s also the extra obstacle of suffering from a chronic, debilitating depression most of the time, which means essentially I do all this work with absolutely no joy or happiness of any kind. And then there other (not related to depression) health problems, which
are chronic and irreversible, that complicate my life. Here’s the other great thing: everything is my own fauly, so I have to stare at my own failure every waking moment. Sometime I feel guilty just for existing.


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