This fall, Mad Cave’s young adult imprint Maverick will set sail with The Pirate Princess, a high-seas adventure written by Luca Frigerio and illustrated by Lorenza Pigliamosche. The story follows Julie, the daughter of the Pirate King, as she travels across the ocean to reconnect with her dad and learn how to be the best pirate the world has ever known.
Julie has two goals: become the best pirate ever and make things explode. She joins the Golden Dolphin crew to find her father, but along the way, she learns more than she bargained for about her displaced family and her role as the Pirate Princess.
The Beat can exclusively reveal the cover of The Pirate Princess, seen below.
“The best part of a journey is sharing it with someone,” said Frigerio. “To appreciate the good things and to face the critical moments, always together. This is what happened to me with Lorenza and the whole crew of the Golden Dolphin, because if no man is an island, it is also true that each one of us is a pirate in search of freedom.”
Pigliamosche added, “Working on The Pirate Princess has been an adventure on its own, getting to know the protagonist and growing with her meant a lot to me, as well as creating the world she lives in. I hope that everyone who will read this book will feel as if they were adventuring across the sea as I did, enjoying Julie’s journey toward her independence and self-discovery.”
The Pirate Princess will be available wherever books are sold on October 8. Pre-orders are available now.