This week’s edition of the Marvel Rundown features the latest entry in the Marvel’s Voices line, Marvel’s Voices: Legacy (2022) #1, and we’ll be taking a look at that issue in the main review!
Meanwhile, this week’s Rapid Rundown includes rapid reviews of Iron Fist #1 and Fantastic Four #40. Be sure and let The Beat know which Marvel Comics issues were your favorite this week, either here in the comment section or over on social media @comicsbeat!
Marvel’s Voices: Legacy (2022) #1
Writers: Cody Ziglar, J. Holtham, Natacha Bustos, Victor LaValle, & Maria Fröhlich.
Supplementary Material by: Karama Horne & Angélique Roché.
Artists: Jahnoy Lindsay, Julian Shaw, Larry Houston, Eder Messias, Bustos, Karen S. Darboe, Fröhlich, Sean Damien Hill, Oren Junior, & Paris Alleyne.
Colorists: Dijjo Lima, Ian Herring, & Stéphane Paitreau.
Letterer: Ariana Maher.
Main cover by: Crisscross & Erick Arcinega.
Reviewed by Cy Beltran.
While it feels like most anthology reviews start with something about the comic being a mixed bag, I can happily say that Marvel’s Voices: Legacy #1 was a pleasant read from start to finish. Each story and interstitial piece in this action-packed issue felt like it belonged exactly where it was, something that definitely isn’t the case for the majority of the Marvel’s Voices line. Before I say go any further, I need to shout out Ariana Maher’s lettering, as she provides some much needed consistency in every part of this issue. Her sound effects are superb (see below) and the way she arranges the text on the page is clear and concise.
The structure of this book follows a pretty standard format, split between short stories, one-pagers by Cody Ziglar, and supplementary pieces by Karama Horne and Angélique Roché. I’ve been loving Ziglar’s work in Amazing Spider-Man and I was really excited to see him get the opportunity to jump around the Marvel Universe. His voice shines through in every character he writes, and I’m hoping that someone at Marvel notices and gives him plenty to work on (Check out Spider-Punk #1 in April!).
Though the entire issue was a treat, the two stories that stuck out to me the most were “Wanna Play?” by Natacha Bustos and “Cross-Borough Caper” by Victor LaValle, Karen S. Darboe, and Ian Herring. Bustos’ story follows Shuri and Okoye as they celebrate Ubusuku Bofuka, the Wakandan “Night of the Dead”, and get into some shenanigans. The dialogue is fun and snappy, the colors are bright and smooth, and Bustos’ line work is just phenomenal. It’s a fun little romp through Wakanda and I would buy a million issues with these characters and this creative team.
“Cross-Borough Caper” was also a joy. I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve barely read any Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, but this piece makes me feel like I need to rush out and grab the trades. This is such a sweet little peek into her world and the adventures she goes on, and I’m shocked that she doesn’t have a series out now before her Disney Channel debut. LaValle, Darboe,
and Herring pull out all the stops, throwing together a tale that takes us from horseback riding to dinosaurs in the blink of an eye. We get a nice showcase for Luna’s inventiveness over the course of this story and I’m hoping that she shows up in more stories in the near future.
The supplementary material in this issue includes an interview, an in-depth look at Monica Rambeau, and a spotlight on newer Black characters. While the Monica Rambeau piece feels a lot like a plug for her upcoming appearances in the MCU, it’s still a welcome refresher for a character who deserves a prominent role in the 616. I’m really looking forward to seeing where she shows up next, and based on the stinger at the end of her bio, I’m hoping it’s more than a few guest appearances in the Amazing Spider-Man Beyond Era.
Unfortunately, there is a major downside to all of this. Everything great about this issue just reminds me how disappointing it is that so many of these creators don’t get the space they deserve at Marvel. It’s been said many times by writers smarter than me, but it’s frustrating how performative this all feels. The company brags about how diverse their line is and how wonderful it is that they’re so inclusive, but the creators they tote in these Voices specials get one or two shots a year and then that’s it. This is a wonderful book by wonderful creators and they should have more opportunities to show their skills around the entire Marvel line.
Final Verdict: Buy – show Marvel that these creators should be on so many more books!
Rapid Rundown!
- Fantastic Four #40
- Writer Dan Slott and artist Rachael Stott must be planning for Damage Control to start working overtime as this issue shows some of the ramifications of the Moons destruction and Earth being attacked by the Badoon, C-list aliens who are outfitted with cosmic weapons given to them by the Big Bad, the Reckoning. From the early days of the Watchers, before their pact to only observe, these weapons were made by the Reckoning to conquer the universe until they were stopped by the Watchers. Cut to Slott painting the FF into a cosmic corner with Mr. Fantastic being our heroes’ only hope for salvation with the knowledge of the Watcher downloaded into his brain. Filled with a treasure trove of nerd easter eggs, like the traditional FF uniforms, if you’re a fan of storylines that have a gang of cameos, family drama, cosmic stakes, and “ticking clocks” you’ll enjoy this as long as you’ve kept up with the regular title. —GC3
- Iron Fist #1
- Iron Fist #1 by Alyssa Wong, Michael Yg, Jay David Ramos, and Travis Lanham is essentially a sequel to The Death of Doctor Strange: White Fox #1, which saw Lin Lie’s mystic sword shatter to pieces in his hands before he apparently fell to his death. Well, it turns out that Lin Lie was rescued by the chi of Shou-Lao the Undying, and now his shard-soaked hands possess the power of the Iron Fist! This engaging twist immediately provides all sorts of narrative wrinkles (and with them, loads of story potential). While Danny Rand does play a significant supporting role in this issue, the former protector of K’un-Lun never threatens to overtake the all-new, all-different Iron Fist’s central place in the narrative. This inaugural issue promises a story that’s filled with elements of the magical side of Marvel Comics, and let’s hope that Wong gets to bring in some of the supporting characters she’s been playing with issues like White Fox and Marvel’s Voices: Identity (2021) #1, as well. More Jimmy Woo, please! —AJK
Next week, Ghost Rider #1 arrives! Plus, the continuation of Ms. Marvel: Beyond the Limit.
One thing puzzles me in the first voices issue why they didn’t include the native American hero known as Skymax from the Civil War team the Desert Stars.
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