Editor MK Reed writes to remind us that the new FoL anthology, The Girl’s Guide to Guy’s Stuff, is available for preorder. The contributor’s line-up is pretty good, as you can see from the PR, and the cover, by Miss Lasko-Gross…well, please don’t start a 60 comment thread about it, okay?
Friends of Lulu announces the release of our new anthology, The Girls’ Guide to Guys’ Stuff. This 176 page book features comics by over fifty female cartoonists presenting their takes men and their interests. The authors included in the book range from newcomers to indie comic veterans, syndicated strip cartoonist to webcomics artists, animators to illustrators.
Hellen Jo, Abby Denson, Lauren Skinner, Vanessa Satone, Jannie Ho, Anneke van Steijn, Lorena Caiazzo, Ashley Erickson, Michelle Silva, Rina Ayuyang, MK Czerwiec, Tatiana Gill, Monica Gallagher, Leigh Dragoon, Vicky Hsu, Anita Cheng, Chari Pere, Marion Vitus, Yali Lin, Allie Kleber, Diane Colchamiro, Hilary Florido, Lark Pien, Doreen Mulryan Marts, Ron Fitzgerald, Hilary Florido, Danica Novgorodoff, Hwan, MK Reed, Cathy Leamy, Dorothy Gambrell, Susanne Shaver, Missy Kulik, Roberta Gregory, Heidi Arnhold, Liz Baillie, EJ Barnes, Emily Flake, Kipling West, Lene Ask, Julia Durgee, Tessa Brunton, Julia Wertz, Jamaica Dyer, Agata Laguniak, Tamara Streeter, Alisa Harris, Faith Erin Hicks, Niki Smith, Shayna Yates, Bonnie Burton, Cynthia Cummens, Debbie Huey, Lise Myhre, Rachel Nabors, Cynthia Ward, Katie Skelly, Komala Singh, Elizabeth Argall, Rutz, Sheryl SchopferThe Girls’ Guide to Guys’ Stuff will be in comic shops this July, but is now available for preorder for $15 directly from Friends of Lulu. The books will be shipped in July, and as a thank you will include a set of postcards with illustrations from Hellen Jo, Katie Skelly, Monica Gallagher, and Leigh Dragoon.
Postcards! What are you waiting for?
“their take on men and their interests”? wow.
i hate women’s anthologies (what, we aren’t good enough to play with the boys?). I especially hate them when they are about the following: motherhood, children, relationships with either your mother or your children, sexism, rape, the magic of womanhood, or issues with men. Scuse me, not a fan of ghettoizing female artists under any circumstances.
this appears to hold at least two of the aforementioned themes.
Yes, there is bullshit sexism. yes, that’s frustrating. And oh my god is there backlash- but making stuff that is based on stereotype is outdated and lame.
how many males are going to go out and buy a book that’s obviously going to point out the negative stereotypes if their gender? and last time i checked, the audience for comic books tends to be predominantly male. good job, you’ve alienated a good chunk of your possible audience. Awesome, now they are preaching to the choir.
we’re hanging out in fourth wave feminism now, everybody- we’ve discovered that while there are differences- they don’t really matter. Our status as “Human” outweighs out gender status.
Heh, Annie, I was reading this book last night and it is SO not what you expect!
Annie – You should probably look through the book before coming to those judgements. I’ve read it and it’s really not like what you described. It’s actually really, really good (and I’m not just saying that because I’m in it)!
That’s a wonderful cover.
Friends of Lulu has put this book together to showcase women artists: some veterans, some emerging. It has several different takes on several different subjects, so I’m sure there will be something to both fan the flames of everyone’s ire, and to tickle their funnybones.
I contributed to this book with artist Cynthia Cummens. We did a Star Wars Fan Boy Field Guy and dating tips. So for you sci-fi fans, you might dig it just for that alone. ;-)
The book and some preview pages can also be found on Myspace here:
and for the record, my Fan Boy Field Guide is dead-on accurate, as a fan girl myself I totally understand how lame stereotypes are, but this is more of a HELPFUL guide for girls who don’t understand their boyfriends’ obsession with Star Wars. And working at Lucasfilm gives me a bit more cred. ;-)
I totally sneered at the name too, and totally got prickly about the idea of a “guide” for girls so that we could function in this “boy world”. But it’s turned out to be awesome. So — sometimes you just have to enjoy the fact that, however it’s made possible, this is a chance for a whole bunch of women to make interesting gender statements with their comics.
Thanks very much for posting this! I’m one of the “emerging” contributors in the book–it’s my first time in print–and I’m rather excited about being in such good company.
I don’t believe in ghettos, myself, but I think that putting in a little extra effort to promote women in comics is important (as highlighted by recent events, for instance); as long as those aren’t the only sorts of comics we do.
Hi there,
I’m another contributor, I’ve been wandering around the Australian Indy comics scene for a few years and this will be my first internationally distributed story. It never occured to me to bring a ghetto mentality to my submission. I was excited to be able to write for something actively engaging with gender and different gender perspectives and have some fun at the same time. We are all human, but like it or lump it gender is still a powerful force in our society.
My comic script started as a feminist essay about how horrible it is that mens genitalia get objectified – imagine having something quite squishy and sensitive associated with guns, swords and death all the time. Certainly there are penises that are put to bad use, but the general stereotyping could be quite horrible for any sensitive young man growing up, as well as glorifying sexual violence.
At the end of the day I decided that a one page illustrated poem about penises covered the point (so to speak) was a lot more fun – a girls guide to boy bits. A comic that has pleased men and women I’ve shown it to.
One person’s ghetto is another persons exciting collective space where we can engage with gender issues from differing perspectives!
re: that list……uhhh who?!??!!!!???? O.o
practically the only name I recognize is Roberta Gregory of Bitch fame. All the others……huh?
I hate to say, I only recognize eight- which means this book will be a fantastic opportunity for me to get to know some new cartoonists!
I took the same approach as Matthew, I preordered this and see it as a way to get to know some new creators. Truth be told, 50 female creators, I am bound to find some favorites, commit them to memory and go from there. I ordered from DCBS though, so I probably won’t get postcards. :^(
Any graphic novel publisher or editor with at least half a brain is going to order this (I am when my next check comes in). It should be clear that we are arriving at a new day for women creators, and from what I’ve been hearing the line-up here is excellent. I expect many of the people involved with this are going to be stars in the developing new era of this industry. Get to know them early and beat the rush!
I agree with Matthew. It’s always exciting to discover lots of new artists. That’s part of the fun of anthologies.
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