Tag: women reading comics
It’s true: women know how to read comics
About six months ago, I took a victory lap. And I'm gonna take another one. Because I was right, all along. Last's week's twin announcements of the revamped DC line-up and Marvel's all-woman A-Force showed that even the big two have embraced the idea of a diverse readership as a sound business model. It was only four years ago, when the New 52 launched, that there was an outcry about only 1% of the creators being female, and DC co-publisher Dan DiDio got put on the spot and reacted with a less than conciliatory tone.
Market Research Says 46.67% of Comic Fans are Female
Market Research Says 46.67% of Comic Fans are Femalehttp://ift.tt/1esjfeV
While we don’t have any market research, the eyes don’t lie. If you go to conventions and comic book stores, more and more female readers are...
Market Research Says 46.67% of Comic Fans are Female
Market Research Says 46.67% of Comic Fans are Femalehttp://ift.tt/1esjfeV
While we don’t have any market research, the eyes don’t lie. If you go to conventions and comic book stores, more and more female readers are...