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Tag: Steve Rants About The X-Men

Breaking Down Battle of the Atom #2

Battle of the Atom, the 2013 X-Men event crossover, will see All-New X-Men, X-Men, Uncanny X-Men and Wolverine & the X-Men tell a story in which the current X-Men have to deal with past...

Why Maggott Isn’t the Worst X-Men Character of All Time

A few days ago Brett White wrote a passioned defence of teen hearthrob X-Men character Maggott on CBR. Many would mock him for such a claim, and poke him with brightly painted sticks - but...

Uncanny Avengers Introduces ‘The M-Word’

Even allowing for the fact that we're not supposed to like any of the characters in Uncanny Avengers (only this week, Wolverine calls Japanese mutant Sunfire "a walking atomic bomb" and nobody bats an...

Marvel Reveal The Cast for Wood and Coipel’s ‘X-Men’

As roundly predicted by the internet, Marvel's 'XX' teaser from last week was indeed a relaunch of adjectiveless X-Men. Today, though, USA Today's comics pin-up Brian Truitt has revealed the lineup. The teaser also reveals that...

SPOILER: Obituary for the AvX Fallen

By Steve Morris Read no further until you pick up today's issue of Avengers Vs X-Men, unless you want to be spoiled! Alternatively, pick up a newspaper today, because Marvel have plastered the death across America. RIP...