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Tag: nicole maines

Maines & Segovia form a new SECRET SIX for DC All In

Maines teases a potential villainous turn for Superman Jon Kent in the new series.

Interview: Nicole Maines on dreaming up BAD DREAM: A DREAMER STORY & SUICIDE SQUAD:...

The Beat caught up with Nicole Maines to find out what Dreamer's up to in Bad Dream: A Dreamer Story and Suicide Squad: Dream Team #2.

Maines & Barrows join for SUICIDE SQUAD: DREAM TEAM

The series finds Dreamer blackmailed by Amanda Waller into leading a new Task Force X.

INTERVIEW: Visits to the Dream and Astral Realms with Nicole Maines and Leah Williams

Dreamer and Power Girl both get time to shine in Assault on Krypton.

DC ROUND-UP: Dreamer breaks into SUPERMAN: SON OF KAL-EL #13

The DC Pride: Tim Drake Special does a good job of making sure new readers are caught up as well as delivering a new story.

DC ROUND-UP: PRIDE & POISON IVY spotlight DC’s LGBTQ+ community

DC kicks off June with their second-annual DC PRIDE anthology, and the debut of a new POISON IVY miniseries.

SUPERMAN: SON OF KAL-EL #13 brings Dreamer to the DCU

Actress & transgender activist Nicole Maines will co-write the story introducing her SUPERGIRL character to the DCU.

DC ROUND-UP: DC PRIDE #1 celebrates with us!

Reviews of this week's new DC Comics releases, including Green Lantern #2, Batman #108, and much more.

INTERVIEW: Nicole Maines on bringing trans issues to SUPERGIRL

Sitting in the dark eating Ritz Crackers is trans solidarity.

SDCC ‘19: SUPERGIRL’s season 5 sizzle reel, and secrets from the cast and EPs

The full cast of the CW series discussed the role of technology in the show's fifth season, the impending CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS, and how every character needs therapy.