Tag: morgan perry
News and Notes: Morgan Perry, TMNT, Duke sells out, Soaring Penguin more
Rounding up some news and comings and goings from Duke to Soaring Penguin
Comics aren’t dying, but they are changing – and that’s got people scared
It's been a wild, wild week for discourse about comics retailing, but here are some stats and some facts
Comics retailers see uncertain future
A survey of comics retailers points to an uncertain climate for comics sales, and looming problems at every level
More About Comic Book Sales Charts
Other industry pros weigh in on the need for sales numbers, for various reasons, and we look to the future.
People on the move: Sassaman, Singh, Kim, Perry
A retirement at Comic-Con and some moves at publishers
All the hirings and promotions from the last month: everywhere from Marvel to Random...
Gagliano's Random House Graphic imprint staffs up with Leopard and Crotty.