Tag: lakes festival
CON NEWS ROUNDUP: CXC 2023 announces lineup and poster; LICAF international guest list grows
Daniel Clowes, Raina Telgemeier, and Keito Gaku for CXC 2023 and LICAF adds more international names to their late September lineup
UK CON ROUNDUP: First wave of LICAF and Thought Bubble 2023 guests – and...
Flagship British comics events Lakes International Comic Arts Festival ( LICAF ) and Thought Bubble have announced their first wave of guests for 2023 - plus an additional rundown of other UK cons and festivals taking place in the coming months.
French cartoonist Boulet receives the Sergio Aragonés Award for Cartooning Excellence at LICAF 2021
Walter Simonson and Jared Cullum also received NCS Reuben Division Awards for Best Comic and Best Graphic Novel during the event
Charles Adlard named UK Comics Laureate
He's not quite Bob Dylan yet, but Walking Dead Artist Charlie Adlard was just named the UK’s Comics Laureate at a ceremony at the Lake Comics Festival which is now going on. Adlard succeeds...
Dave Gibbons named the first Comics Laureate in the UK
Hm let's see, we need an ambassador of comics who can work with schools, educators and more to show how comics can contribute to literacy and learning. We need someone who is smart, distinguished and universally loved...
I know! Let's get Dave Gibbons!