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Tag: jeff king

On the Scene: what the New Jersey Comic Expo debut says about the state...

Are there too many comic cons? Absolutely. Is there room for one more? Almost certainly. That's the paradox that I had on my mind as I went out to Edison, NJ for the debut...

The Multiverse is back in DC’s moving event: Convergence

Acknowledging that moving cross country and restaffing an editorial department might be distracting for its staff, DC officially announced it's two month fill-in event today, CONVERGENCE. The event will replace the New 52 line-up for two months, April and May of 2015, with a framing 9-issue mini-series, starting with a zero issue, and spinning into 40 two part mini series. Promo art by Carlos Paguayan and Jose Marzan Jr. The event has been rumored for quite a while, and I'm told it was hatched back in the spring as a way to ease the transition as DC personnel make the move from NYC to Burbank in April 2015. The event was originally run by Tom DeFalco but he moved on and was replaced by ex-Marvel/Teshkeel editor Marie Javins, who worked closely with Dan Didio on the event. The event was announced this morning in USA Today. The whole event is being overseen by TV's Jeff King, (White Collar, Continuum, Stargate SG-1) with Carlo Pagulayan and Stephen Segovia on art on the framing mini, and Dan Jurgens and Scott Lobdell helping oversee things. The 40 two-issues minis will feature a wide variety of writers and artists.