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Tag: hotelpocalypse

Hotelpocalypse comes for SPX and NYCC

Getting a hotel room for some popular comics events is becoming a lot harder - and more expensive

San Diego Comic-Con #hoteloween 2016: the terror of the random

The San Diego hotel room lottery, known variously as #hoteloween (by a few old timers) and #hotelpocalypse (by the current generation), took place this morning and it was a terrifying new version that found...

#hotelpocalypse is over…how will your life continue?

Some people are very upset about how this year's San Diego Comic-Con hotel sale went. But should they be?

#hoteloween: just how fast must you be to get a good room at Comic-Con?

Getting a hotel room for Comic-con is a physical and mental race against the clock. You need to have Nolan Ryan's fastball, Ronda Rousey's reflexes and Edward Snowden's keyboard skills. It's the ultimate test of nerves for nerds. But some may wonder, just how short IS the window to get a room downtown?