Tag: Deniz Camp
THOR vs LOKI and WHO IS LOGAN? An Update on Marvel’s Ultimate Line for...
The April updates for Marvel's bestselling comics: their entire Ultimate Marvel line thus far, including turning points for Thor and Logan.
The Marvel Rundown: The ULTIMATE UNIVERSE: ONE YEAR IN #1 Roundtable
The team debriefs Deniz Camp and Jonas Scharf's Ultimate Universe: One Year In special, and the first year of Marvel's Ultimate Universe.
The MARVEL RUNDOWN: THE ULTIMATES #6 is a brutal showdown
Ultimates #6, which centers on a brutal showdown, is the centerpiece for this week's Marvel Rundown column, which also features blurbs.
Preview: Ultimate Universe: One Year In #1 sneak peak
Preview pages and covers of a One-shot special of the Ultimate Universe by Deniz Camp, Jonas Scharf, Chris Condon, and Alessandro Cappuccio.
Ultimate Guardians of the Galaxy and more details announced for Marvel’s ultimate line
Details on Marvel's Ultimate line of comic books arriving this January including first looks at the new ULTIMATE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY.
Ultimate Marvel’s plans include introducing a native Hawkeye plus revealing the secret behind Momoko’s...
Superhero comics continue to do some creative swings of late as Marvel continues their Ultimate line along with its upcoming introductions to their stories. Solicits for October include an Ultimate Hawkeye being introduced that's...
ULTIMATES #1 unveils a brand new trailer with a two-year ultimatum
A new trailer has been unveiled for ULTIMATES #1. Written by Deniz Camp with art by Juan Frigeri, the long-expected Avengers comic has to follow up the sold-out Ultimates line of comics thus far in...
ULTIMATES #1 is the latest in the Marvel Ultimate universe
Given how popular the Ultimate line has been for Marvel of late, it should be no surprise to see ULTIMATES #1 again in the comics world. The original comic run by Mark Millar and...
Marvel Free Comic Book Day 2024 offers first look at post-Krakoa X-Men
Available at your local comic shop on May 4!
TRADE RATING: 20TH CENTURY MEN, a cathartic and well-realized comic
The trade collection is out now via Image Comics.
The CHILDREN OF THE VAULT are unleashed in new limited series
Four-issue miniseries from writer Deniz Camp and artist Luca Maresca launches this August
Small Press Spotlight: Meet AGENT OF W.O.R.L.D.E
The sci-fi spy series from Scout Comics hits in June