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A Year of Free Comics: COOL FRIEND is your online DATA source

If you’re looking for a fistful of Data puns, consider this webcomic.
Picard S1E1 - "Remembrance"

Recap: PICARD S1E2 – “Maps and Legends”

In the second episode of Picard, "Maps and Legends", we are treated to a deepening of the mystery of Dahj and Soji (Isa Briones) and its revealed just how far the Federation has fallen. This...
Picard S1E1 - "Remembrance"

Recap: PICARD S1E1 – “Remembrance”

It's been eighteen long years since we last saw Sir Patrick Stewart as Captain Jean-Luc Picard, and if Picard S1E1 - "Remembrance" is any indication, he's lost no luster in that extended break. In the...

Marvel Month-to-Month Sales – July 2015: A Cavalcade of Mini-Wars!

by Xavier Lancel Welcome to a new analysis of the Marvel sales. Reminder: I'm French, and that's why I'm talking funny. Please address your complaints to my French-people-are-never-happy country. Reminder: the sales data referenced below is  an...