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Can Comics Become Legitimate Bestsellers?

To me, the answer to that question is definitely: yes! But that also depends on a lot of moving parts and with encouragement from The Beat, I’m going to post a few columns here about the elements needed to create real marketing programs that can help better define what a bestseller is and where the real opportunities lie.

George R.R. Martin Supports CBLDF For Banned Books Week!

Via PR, but it's a great cause! George R.R. Martin, the celebrated creator of GAME OF THRONES and WILD CARDS  is celebrating Banned Books Week by supporting the important work of the Comic Book Legal...

Bryan Lee O’Malley interviews Andrew Hussie – world shifts on axis

Or, basically, the 'Scott Pilgrim' Guy Interviews the 'Homestuck' Guy and explains it for those who find it somewhere between dubstep and Gangnam on the "things that are current" list. Homestuck is big and popular....

Manga-Camera App: Turning 2D dreams into Smartphone reality

Comicsalliance just unveiled what could possibly be the best App EVER (or maybe just for you die hard otakus). With the commonality of Instagram's "vintage" effects already upon the masses, this new (and FREE) Manga-Camera...

On the Scene: Art Spiegelman in conversation, Cologne, Germany

“How does it feel to be here, surrounded by cats?” The moderator’s already off to an auspicious start, given his (what I believe to have been, given my complete lack of German comprehension) promise not to discuss “why mice, why the holocaust.” It’s the proverbial gorilla in a room full of cats, of course, and while Spiegelman has visited the country a number of times in the past 25 years or so, it seems an odd choice not to discuss it the day before the opening of a retrospective on the cartoonist’s work. And here we are, like clockwork, dipping our toes in the water, the moderator asking how it feels sitting in this room, being, you know, the guy who got famous by writing a comic book about the Holocaust.

Greg Rucka Gets Increasingly Candid About Work For Hire Conditions, Debunks Another Myth

By Todd Allen In a rare instance of a DC/Marvel creator being candid about how they perceive the environment, Greg Rucka has given something very close to an exit interview to Mark Millar's CLiNT magazine....

2012 Shuster Award Winners

The 2012 Joe Shuster Awards, honoring the best in Canadian comics, were handed out on Saturday, September 15th at the Montreal Comic-Con. Jason Rockman and Catherine Smith-Desbiens handed out the awards--check the link for jury comments on the winners.

Hobbit-y Goodness

Excuse me, but I need to nerd/geek/dork/whatever out here for a minute because: They are making not one, not two, but three movies for The Hobbit. They finally released the sub-titles this past week...