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Tag: comic con india

ReedPop and the incredible shrinking world of comic-cons

The last few years have seen ReedPop dramatically thin out its portfolio of comic con events outside the US.

Image Will Send Creators to Comic Con India’s Shows October – December

The shows will get variant cover editions

Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 11/14/16: “All are equal at a comic con”

§ Nice Art: It seems the comics world has come to a standstill for some reason. So here's a preview of a 2017 graphic novel: Gauguin: The Other World by Fabrizio Dori, part of...

Comic Con India teams with ReedPop

According to a forwarded email, ReedPOP, the event company that throws New York Comic Con, C2E2, PAX and many other popular fan events, has expanded its international reach by teaming with Comic Con India,...