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Tag: Bande Desinee


REVIEW: In KARMEN, meet your new favorite Manic Pixie Death Girl

Comics do not lack for fun, female reapers -- and Karmen is the new girl.

Wait…WHAT?! Shirley Jackson’s Graphic Short Story to Become a Graphic Novel

And yet another surprise from Macmillan, this time from their Hill and Wang imprint: Hyman, Miles SHIRLEY JACKSON'S "THE LOTTERY" A GRAPHIC ADAPTATION Fiction , October 2016 (proposal available) Shirley Jackson’s short story THE LOTTERY is a classic of American literature that continues...

INTERVIEW: Jessica Abel on Intersection of Comics and Radio and the Limitations of Art

by Alex Dueben Jessica Abel has produced a unique body of work in comics that ranges from two collections of her award winning comic series Artbabe (Soundtrack and Mirror, Window), the acclaimed graphic novel La...