Tag: b.b. free
EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: In B.B. FREE #2, our eponymous hero is on the run
b.b. free #2 hits shelves December 11, 2019.
INDIE VIEW: ‘B.B. Free #1’ is a burst of post-apocalyptic sunshine
B.B. Free #1
Written by Gabby Rivera
Illustrated by Royal Dunlap
Boom Box
Sometimes the end of the world as we know it isn’t a moment to weep for what is lost, but cheer for what is ahead....
EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: Get into the groove with b.b. free #1 & a new Brittney...
This far-future tale debuts November 6.
NYCC’19: Discovering the future of BOOM! Studios
The BOOM! Studios panel covered current and upcoming titles.